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[WTS] (US) 714 DK / 718 Warrior 9/13M 297 Mounts Most Reps 6 100's D3+RoS Level 36 HoTS

Level 100 Blood Elf Death Knight | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory

Level 100 Blood Elf Warrior | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory

Rare Mounts:

-Spectral Tiger
-MoP Cmode mounts
-All RaF mounts
-Bewfest Kodo
-Mims Head
-Ironhoof Destroyer
-Kor'kron Juggernaut
-Firey Warhorse
-Rivendares Charger
-Venomhide Ravasaur
-Swift White Hawkstrider
-Raven Lord

Full Mount List Available on request


MoP / WoD Gold Cmodes ( DK only)
Cutting Edge Blackhands Cruicible
Cutting Edge Garrosh Hellscream
Herald of the Titans
Insane in the Membrain
AoTC: Archimonde
Cutting Edge Imperator's Fall
I Thought He Was Supposed to Be Hard? (Unobtainable)
The Fifth Element (Unobtainable)
Vampire Hunter (Unobtainable)
Tabard of the Argent Dawn (Unobtainable)
Competitor's Tabard (Unobtainable)
Greenfire pre WoD


Hand of Rag: Warrior
Thunderfury: Warrior / DK Has a binding
Warglaives: Warrior / Rouge Has offhand
Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury: Warrior / DK
Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings: Shaman
Shadowmourne: DK / Warrior
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest: Shaman
Fangs of the Father: Rogue
MoP Cloak: DK / Warrior
WoD Ring: DK / Warrior

Level 91 Hunter with Skoll, Lo'que, Arctirus, Degu, Gumi, Hutia (Spirit Beasts)
DK Has near all obtainable Reputations at exalted still needs Nat Pagle / BG Reps
MoP Digital Deluxe
WoD Digital Deluxe
Low level Druid with 5/9 T3 Needs belt chest legs
Maby about 5k left on the account

Also Have D3+RoS Standard Edition

Non-Seasonal Paragon level is 510:

Slowtime Wizard
Marauders DH

Seasonal 590+ Paragon level:

Blessed Hammer Build Crusader
HoTA / WW Barbarians
Solo grift50+
Group grift60+
Season Journey Conqueror 4/5

Alpha / Beta Portrats / Real Money Portrait
WoD / D3 Promo Mounts / Wonder Billie / Billie the Kid
Hero List: Arthas, Illidan, Kael'thas, Muradin, Nova, Raynor, Diablo, Kharazim (Jade Dragon Skin), Leoric, Malfurion, Sonya, Valla

Skype: Nick-Stone (picture of chewbacca)

Asking Price: 2000.00 USD OBO This is a nice account Reasonable offers only please.

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