General info:
Hello, i workt on a 255 server for about a year ago, but i did never finish is, becuase i got kinda bored of it and i dident have anybody to work with. I have benn trying to make a story line for the server but i think i failed hard on that one :P anyway if you would like to try it you can just download it and run the mysql, realm and world server. I would like if you came with some feedback if i should continue developing this server, becuase then i might do it.
There is bugs on the server and they will be fixed if i get good feedback and that i am going to continue the development on it.
Account info ingame:
Database login:
Info about the server:
A leveling road atm
Custom leveling script after max level
Custom forgeing system (a bit complex to understand at start)
10 sets of obtainable gear PvE for each class
1 set if PvP gear
Core modifications have been made
Rochet2's Multivendor and Transmog npc is in there too(Credit to him for those)
1 world boss (not scripted)
World chat(byt typing ".world text")
Who list works up to level 255
Player commands:
.buff for some basic buffs
.world to talk in the world chat
.plevel to check you sub level
Admin commands:
.Reload Creature_template so you can get npcs you have made right away
.Reload Item_template same for items, but they get cached remember that
Custom Forging system explenation:
First you have to go to one of the instances and kill one of the bosses, when you have done that you have a chance to get Broken cloth, leather, mail or plate item. These come in all the 8 armor pieces, so to get a full set you need all the broken parts for either cloth, leather, mail or plate. Then when you have gotten one or more broken parts you need to get a hammer of serten quality as are listed below.
Copper Hammer = Tier 1
Silver Hammer = Tier 2
Gold Hammer = Tier 3
Platinum Hammer = Tier 4
Cobalt Hammer = Tier 5
Titanium Hammer = Tier 6
Iridum Hammer = Tier 7
Zinc Hammer = Tier 8
Ziconium Hammer = Tier 9
Palladium Hammer = Tier 10
So when you have gotten the hammer and the broken pieces you can go to the first world boss and behind him it should be a Anvil for the Tier 1 set. You can also spawn the rest of the anvils if you want, their IDs are from 400003 to 400011. Enjoy!!
Melee patch: Here For custom gear, herlooms and some other stuff (40MB size)
Server Files: Here you have Mysql, Database all in one so it is just to start the server (about 1GB size)
So if you want to try the server out download it and take a look, if not just continue with your own bussiness. Have a good day! :)
Custom leveling system