Hello the price is $80 negotiable, contact me on skype if interested. Skype = 'Bluewaxs'
Deathwing,Ysera, Onyxia, Nozdormu, Nefarian, Megkineer Thermaplugg, Malygos, Majordomo, Foe Reaper 4000,
Chromaggus, Alexstrasza, Sneed's Old Shredder, Ragnaros the firelord, Kel'thuzad, Rend Blackhand,
Dr.Boom, The Black Knight, Slyvanas Windrunner, Toshley, Maxenna, Mogor the Ogre,
Cairne Bloodhoof, Emperor Thaurissan, Stalagg, Leeroy Jenkins, Loatheb, Mimiron's Head
Elite Tauren Chieftain, Feugen, Old Murk Eye, Baron Rivendare, King Mukla, Grommash Hellscream,
Lord Jarraxus, Mal'Ganis, Al'akir the windlord, neptulon, neptulon(golden), Trade Prince Gallywix,
Edwin Vancleef, Vol'jin, Prophet Velen, Tirion Fordring, Archmage Antonidas, King Krush, Cenarius
Exodar, Tournament Grounds, Ninjas!, Cupcake, Lunar New Year, Maraad, Gnomes, Goblins, Icecrown,
Naxxramas, Rainbow!, Black Temple, Pandaria, Legend
900 Dust
Deathwing,Ysera, Onyxia, Nozdormu, Nefarian, Megkineer Thermaplugg, Malygos, Majordomo, Foe Reaper 4000,
Chromaggus, Alexstrasza, Sneed's Old Shredder, Ragnaros the firelord, Kel'thuzad, Rend Blackhand,
Dr.Boom, The Black Knight, Slyvanas Windrunner, Toshley, Maxenna, Mogor the Ogre,
Cairne Bloodhoof, Emperor Thaurissan, Stalagg, Leeroy Jenkins, Loatheb, Mimiron's Head
Elite Tauren Chieftain, Feugen, Old Murk Eye, Baron Rivendare, King Mukla, Grommash Hellscream,
Lord Jarraxus, Mal'Ganis, Al'akir the windlord, neptulon, neptulon(golden), Trade Prince Gallywix,
Edwin Vancleef, Vol'jin, Prophet Velen, Tirion Fordring, Archmage Antonidas, King Krush, Cenarius
Exodar, Tournament Grounds, Ninjas!, Cupcake, Lunar New Year, Maraad, Gnomes, Goblins, Icecrown,
Naxxramas, Rainbow!, Black Temple, Pandaria, Legend
900 Dust