We will Price Match anyone on the market at the moment.
Premier service provided by a reputable guild.
We will pilot the character to ensure a quick, stress-free sale.
With Patch 6.2.3 we will be able to carry cross-server but for the time being you are responsible for transferring your character to our server for Mythic carries pre-raid.
All item's that drop for your spec will be given to you, alongside anything we don't need for your off-spec.
The majority of our raid team is item level 730+ so expect to get geared.
13/13 Buyers can expect 10+ Items!
Hellfire Citadel:
13/13 Heroic HFC Master Loot - $200.00 - Tuesdays 8pm EST (We Carry 3 characters per Tuesday)
11/13 Mythic HFC Master Loot - $800.00 - Wednesday/Thursday 8pm EST
13/13 Mythic HFC with Mount - $1400.00 - Wednesday/Thursday 8pm EST
Mythic Blackrock Foundry:
Ironhoof Destroyer Mount - $200.00
Please Contact me on skype - buckleee for any questions!
Thank you!
Premier service provided by a reputable guild.
We will pilot the character to ensure a quick, stress-free sale.
With Patch 6.2.3 we will be able to carry cross-server but for the time being you are responsible for transferring your character to our server for Mythic carries pre-raid.
All item's that drop for your spec will be given to you, alongside anything we don't need for your off-spec.
The majority of our raid team is item level 730+ so expect to get geared.
13/13 Buyers can expect 10+ Items!
Hellfire Citadel:
13/13 Heroic HFC Master Loot - $200.00 - Tuesdays 8pm EST (We Carry 3 characters per Tuesday)
11/13 Mythic HFC Master Loot - $800.00 - Wednesday/Thursday 8pm EST
13/13 Mythic HFC with Mount - $1400.00 - Wednesday/Thursday 8pm EST
Mythic Blackrock Foundry:
Ironhoof Destroyer Mount - $200.00
Please Contact me on skype - buckleee for any questions!
Thank you!