Ownedcore Name: trishcari
Skype Name:
Paypal Name:
Other payment method:
Ownedcore scam link:
Other sites scam link:
Did you use a middleman?: No
Explain what happened: Sold him 178k, he sent money, i traded him the gold, wake up next day and he has filed a dispute to reverse charges. I have sold to him before, this time money came from a different paypal. He said the first paypal didnt have enough in it, but both were from chile.
Proof: Didnt really keep much evidence since I trusted him from the first time we traded and he didnt charge back when I sold him 200k. Just got the skype convo with him say thx and what not that the deal was complete.
Ownedcore Name: trishcari
Skype Name:

Paypal Name:

Other payment method:
Ownedcore scam link:
Other sites scam link:
Did you use a middleman?: No
Explain what happened: Sold him 178k, he sent money, i traded him the gold, wake up next day and he has filed a dispute to reverse charges. I have sold to him before, this time money came from a different paypal. He said the first paypal didnt have enough in it, but both were from chile.
Proof: Didnt really keep much evidence since I trusted him from the first time we traded and he didnt charge back when I sold him 200k. Just got the skype convo with him say thx and what not that the deal was complete.