Channel: OwnedCore - World of Warcraft Exploits, Hacks, Bots and Guides.
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[Selling] Selling handmade gold wow classsic eu server - earthshaker - alliance


Selling handmade gold from a farmer to customer so i can guarantee that gold is 100% handmade without any cheats, exploit or bots!​

I will be able to deliver gold most likely instant if i have in stock, please at first contact me here or on discord / email

DISCORD: CDuke#5877
EMAIL: goldfubk@gmail.com

Delivery methods:
Face to Face only

6 $ = 100g
55 $ = 1000g

5000g in stock

Payment methods:
Paypal | WMZ

[Selling] WTS Temtem Currency / Pansuns $0.30 per 1k/ 200k in stock

200k in stock!(Update instantly)

Price: $0.30 = 1k

Discord for more details : Pompo#5825


[Selling] 🛑 Amazing Lumas 🔥 Bunbun 5/7 SVs ⭐ great stats⭐ANBU Team 🛑

[Powerleveling] ★ WoW Classic Power leveling 1-60 + Epic Mount 279$ 10 days ★ LOW Prices ★100% SAFE ★

Here at MMORPG-Leveling.com you can buy WOW Classic Power leveling at favorable prices. Of course, you have the ability to specify times when you want to play your WOW Classic character yourself. Our WOW Classic Powerleveling experts work without bots and other illegal aids. All found items remain in your possession!

WOW Classic level 1-60 299$ 8-10 days

WOW Classic level 1-50 229$ 6-7 days

WOW Classic level 1-40 149$ 4-5 days

WoW Classic Honor*100000 $79.99

WoW Classic Honor*200000 $159.99

WoW Classic Honor*300000 $229.99

WoW Classic Honor*400000 $299.99

SKYPE: Amygameservice

EMAIL: Customer-help@outlook.com

WEBSITE: mmorpg-leveling.com

please come to our live chat to let us know, we give you some discount.


1. Your In-Game items, currency, etc. will not be lost.

2. We do not use bots. We have workers who level up your account completely by their own hands.

3. We will keep all of the items on your account during the leveling.Never move gold or gears.

4. We will start your order within 10-15mins after order received.

5. We send progress with your charcter screen shot to your email per 24 hours.

6. We log on your account with VPN, use the same IP with yours.

[Selling] Buy (50Pieces) Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus 5G 128GB (New Unlocked Original) $18,450CAD

Company Name Esellibuy
Price: Canadian dollars
Call us + 1-647-493-5698
We are located in Canada
Free Shipping Worldwide

[Boosting] [Boosting] Wolcen powerleveling, 1-40 storymode, 40-50, 50-60.

PowerLeveling is Available

- 1-40lvl + story mode finish (Self play & Sharing)
- 40-60lvl (Self play & Sharing)
- 60-70lvl (Self play & Sharing)
* Gold and items staying in leveling process, EVERYTHING IS KEPT DURING THE BOOST

My playerauction - JaGGeRnsk's Feedback Profile | PlayerAuctions
and funpay page - Пользователь JaGGeRnsk / FunPay
with 100% positive feedback.

Taking Paypal - F&F.

Contact me on discord - JaGGeR#0883
or via PM here.
Attached Images

Anyone familiar with GMR?

Is there a documented or video guide to setup GMR within the game? I got through setting up everything and loaded my profiles correctly, but I can't get my character to move along the waypoints that I set. Whenever I press the play button, my character targets the closest mob, and if the mob is nearby, auto-attack and skill rotations work fine. However, my character won't move along the course that I set. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? I have no other addons running and all other settings are set to default.

[Buying] Buying US Gold For All Servers Looking For Providers!

buying US gold.High Price!
Buying US Gold For All Servers Looking For Providers!

Skype: burning-u4wow

Discord : burning#8445

We keep good prices in the market and always flexible with our customers!

Why would you choose me

Trusted Seller with 100% positive Feedback on all trading forums out there

Instant Payment

[Buying] Buying EU Gold For All Servers Looking For Providers!

buying EU gold.High Price!
Buying EU WoW Gold For All Servers Looking For Providers!

Skype: burning-u4wow

Discord : burning#8445

We keep good prices in the market and always flexible with our customers!

Why would you choose me

Trusted Seller with 100% positive Feedback on all trading forums out there

Instant Payment

[Selling] ★ WoW Classic Power leveling 1-60 + Epic Mount 279$ 10 days ★ LOW Prices ★100% SAFE ★

Here at MMORPG-Leveling.com you can buy WOW Classic Power leveling at favorable prices. Of course, you have the ability to specify times when you want to play your WOW Classic character yourself. Our WOW Classic Powerleveling experts work without bots and other illegal aids. All found items remain in your possession!

WOW Classic level 1-60 299$ 8-10 days

WOW Classic level 1-50 229$ 6-7 days

WOW Classic level 1-40 149$ 4-5 days

WoW Classic Honor*100000 $79.99

WoW Classic Honor*200000 $159.99

WoW Classic Honor*300000 $229.99

WoW Classic Honor*400000 $299.99

SKYPE: Amygameservice

EMAIL: Customer-help@outlook.com

WEBSITE: mmorpg-leveling.com

please come to our live chat to let us know, we give you some discount.


1. Your In-Game items, currency, etc. will not be lost.

2. We do not use bots. We have workers who level up your account completely by their own hands.

3. We will keep all of the items on your account during the leveling.Never move gold or gears.

4. We will start your order within 10-15mins after order received.

5. We send progress with your charcter screen shot to your email per 24 hours.

6. We log on your account with VPN, use the same IP with yours.

[Powerleveling] ★ WoW Classic Power leveling 1-60 + Epic Mount 279$ 10 days ★ LOW Prices ★100% SAFE ★

Here at MMORPG-Leveling.com you can buy WOW Classic Power leveling at favorable prices. Of course, you have the ability to specify times when you want to play your WOW Classic character yourself. Our WOW Classic Powerleveling experts work without bots and other illegal aids. All found items remain in your possession!

WOW Classic level 1-60 299$ 8-10 days

WOW Classic level 1-50 229$ 6-7 days

WOW Classic level 1-40 149$ 4-5 days

WoW Classic Honor*100000 $79.99

WoW Classic Honor*200000 $159.99

WoW Classic Honor*300000 $229.99

WoW Classic Honor*400000 $299.99

SKYPE: Amygameservice

EMAIL: Customer-help@outlook.com

WEBSITE: mmorpg-leveling.com

please come to our live chat to let us know, we give you some discount.


1. Your In-Game items, currency, etc. will not be lost.

2. We do not use bots. We have workers who level up your account completely by their own hands.

3. We will keep all of the items on your account during the leveling.Never move gold or gears.

4. We will start your order within 10-15mins after order received.

5. We send progress with your charcter screen shot to your email per 24 hours.

6. We log on your account with VPN, use the same IP with yours.

[Selling] Level 60 Gnome male warrior - Yojamba | Check my HUGE Account shop!

For a link to our Webshop for WoW Classic Gold, Accounts & Boosting. Please click on this link

I'd like to offer the following account:

Level 60 Gnome male warrior -Yojamba

129 mining/200 skinning
Decent leveling equipment
60% mount, 340 gold included
Random bnet name

Are you looking for another WoW classic account instead? Check this link for my account shop!
Are you looking for WoW Classic gold? Check this link for my gold services
Are you looking for WoW Classic Powerleveling? Check this link for my powerleveling services
You wish to sell your WoW classic account? Check this link for my buying thread!

Accepting Paypal, Skrill & Cryptocurrencies

Interested? Dont hesitate to add me on Skype: Nostalriusgold
Don't have Skype? Feel free to send an email to: mmoprovider@outlook.com
Or add me on Discord : mmoprovider#8674

Currently there are many imposters on Discord and Skype. Please keep in mind we only sell through our webshop
Click on our Discord profile and make sure you see the following information:

Click on the Skype button to avoid imposters!

[Selling] Level 60 Tauren male shaman - Mankrik | Check my HUGE Account shop!

For a link to our Webshop for WoW Classic Gold, Accounts & Boosting. Please click on this link

I'd like to offer the following account:

Level 60 Tauren male shaman - Mankrik

All attunements
300 mining/herb
Rag helm, rest pretty much preraid enhancement.
Sulfuron hammer! (just need rag eye for hand of rag)
Epic mount, has about 1800 gold!
AV exalted
Bonus: level 120 on BFA

Are you looking for another WoW classic account instead? Check this link for my account shop!
Are you looking for WoW Classic gold? Check this link for my gold services
Are you looking for WoW Classic Powerleveling? Check this link for my powerleveling services
You wish to sell your WoW classic account? Check this link for my buying thread!

Accepting Paypal, Skrill & Cryptocurrencies

Interested? Dont hesitate to add me on Skype: Nostalriusgold
Don't have Skype? Feel free to send an email to: mmoprovider@outlook.com
Or add me on Discord : mmoprovider#8674

Currently there are many imposters on Discord and Skype. Please keep in mind we only sell through our webshop
Click on our Discord profile and make sure you see the following information:

Click on the Skype button to avoid imposters!

[Trading] Rogue - rank 12 - eu - h



DISCORD for all info

[Selling] Old Account for sale

Looking to sell my account , The Account has:

Armory - 120 lvl | 450 ilvl Mage - Safe Armory

Heart level : 69

Pandaria/Dreanor/Legion Challenge transmog + challenge achievements

Collected mounts : 322

Draenor + Legion + BFA Flying

Achievements 22485

Raid progression :
See here...

Alt Characters:

DK/DH/Shaman/Monk/Druid - 120lvl
Rogue/DK/Warrior/Priest/Paladin - 110+lvl
And other characters low lvl.

Legion Challenge transmog nearly at all !!!

P.s armory link on other characters in PM.

For info : Discord - d3rzk1y#5019 or PM on the site

Price : €150

[Selling] ★ WoW Classic Power leveling 1-60 + Epic Mount 279$ 10 days ★ LOW Prices ★100% SAFE ★

Here at MMORPG-Leveling.com you can buy WOW Classic Power leveling at favorable prices. Of course, you have the ability to specify times when you want to play your WOW Classic character yourself. Our WOW Classic Powerleveling experts work without bots and other illegal aids. All found items remain in your possession!

WOW Classic level 1-60 299$ 8-10 days

WOW Classic level 1-50 229$ 6-7 days

WOW Classic level 1-40 149$ 4-5 days

WoW Classic Honor*100000 $79.99

WoW Classic Honor*200000 $159.99

WoW Classic Honor*300000 $229.99

WoW Classic Honor*400000 $299.99

SKYPE: Amygameservice

EMAIL: Customer-help@outlook.com

WEBSITE: mmorpg-leveling.com

please come to our live chat to let us know, we give you some discount.


1. Your In-Game items, currency, etc. will not be lost.

2. We do not use bots. We have workers who level up your account completely by their own hands.

3. We will keep all of the items on your account during the leveling.Never move gold or gears.

4. We will start your order within 10-15mins after order received.

5. We send progress with your charcter screen shot to your email per 24 hours.

6. We log on your account with VPN, use the same IP with yours.

Selling GOLD Apollo 2

Selling gold on Apollo 2

Contact me on Discord: Quipy#3197

The price is 1.5e per 1k

[Selling] Selling 1mil flux and account with 382 total mastery

Selling 1mil flux and account with 382total mastery more info Discord: DirttiP#0201

[Selling] [A] 60 Paladin 60 Priest 50 Mage Account for sale

Account is Alliance on Windseeker

60 Paladin Attuned for MC/ONYX/BWL

Head: Judgement Crown
Neck: Tooth of Gnarr
Shoulder: Lead Surveyor's Mantle
Back: Gracious Cape
Chest: Lawbringer Chestguard
Bracer: Lawbringer Bracers
Gloves: Lawbringer Gauntlets
Waist: Feralsurge Girdle
Pants: Lawbringer Legplates
Feet: Lawbringer Boots
Ring: Cyclopean Band
Ring: Songstone of Ironforge
Trinket: Shard of Afrasa
Trinket: Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas
Weapon: Hammer of Grace
Shield: Gizlock's Hypertech Buckler

60 Priest Attuned for MC / ONYX

Head: Dreamweave Circlet
Amulet: Star of Mysteria
Shoulder: Sunderseer Mantle
Robe: Robes of the Royal Crown
Bracer: Devout Bracers
Gloves: Dreamweave Gloves
Belt: Thuzadin Sash
Pants: Leggings of Transcendence
Boots: Omnicast Boots
Ring: Band of Rumination
Ring: Songstone of Ironforge
Trinket: Eye of the Beast
Sword: Guiding Stave of Wisdom
Wand: Dragon Finger of Spirit

50 Mage as well

Contact me via Discord

Dad of Five 81#1761

[Selling] Shazzrah EU - 60 Orc Warrior

Selling 60 Orc male Warrior on Shazzrah PVP - EU

* Prot pre raid gear
* 100 gold
* 60% ground mount
* MC attuned
* Transfer avaiable

Price - 120 euros

Accepting only PayPal payments
For all questions add me at Skype or Discord

Skype: Rogue354
Discord: Morozko#5041
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