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WoW Koi - Legion -Full Blizzlike

¡Welcome to WoW koi a new server blizzlike style with a great future!. We are pleased to introduce our new server with has all the starting areas fixed, fun quest, dungeons, pvp events, ¡all fixed blizzlike!. Our programmers have paid attention to every detail, 1 by 1 to give you an excellent gaming experience in Legion progressive content.

A great project that started in 2018 with a total of: 1,301,878 repairs and a total of repairs carried out in 2019 that amount to: 5,562,773, building it out of nowhere, expansion by expansion, we have reached a stage available for now of level 1 at level 60 that covers the WoW Classic with the maps modified by Burning Crusade, Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria with incredible surprises to discover, always respecting the blizzlike style, which will progress rapidly thanks to the hard work of our programmers and the support of each one of you.

starting areas:

Starting Zones (Zonas de Inicio) Blizzlike
Acherus: The Ebon Hold 100%
Ammen Vale 100%
Camp Narache 100%
Coldridge Valley 100%
Deathknell 100%
Echo Isles 100%
Gilneas 99%
Kezan 100%
Marduum 100%
New Tinkertown 100%
Northshire 100%
Plaguelands: 100%
Shadowglen 100%
Sunstrider Isle 100%
The Lost Isles 100%
The Wandering Isle 100%
Valley of Trials 100%
Vault of the Wardens 100%

Eastern Kingdoms:

Eastern Kingdoms Level 60 Maps Blizzlike
Altherac Mountains 100%
Arathi Highlands 100%
Badlands 100%
Blackrock Mountain 100%
Blasted Lands 100%
Burning Steppes 100%
Deadwind Pass 100%
Deeprun Tram 100%
Dun Morogh 100%
Duskwood 100%
Eastern Plaguelands 100%
Elwynn Forest 100%
Eversong Woods 100%
Ghostlands 100%
Hillsbrad Foothills 99%
Ironforge 100%
Loch Modan 100%
Northern Stranglethorn 100%
Redridge Mountains 100%
Ruins of Gilneas 100%
Searing Gorge 100%
Silvermoon 100%
Silverpine Forest 100%
Stormwind 100%
Swamp of Sorrows 100%
The Cape of Stranglethorn 100%
The Hinterlands 100%
Tirisfal Glades 100%
Undercity 100%
Western Plaguelands 100%
Westfall 100%
Wetlands 100%

Kalimdor Level 60 Maps Blizzlike
Ashenvale 100%
Azshara -
Azuremyst Isle 100%
Bloodmyst Isle -
Darkshore 100%
Darnassus 100%
Durotar 100%
Dustwallow Marsh -
Exodar 100%
Felwood -
Feralas -
Moonglade -
Mulgore 100%
Northern Barrens 100%
Orgrimmar 100%
Southern Barrens
Stonetalon Mountains -
Tanaris -
Teldrassil 100%
Thousand Needles -
Thunder Bluff 100%
Un'Goro Crater -
Winterspring -

All that only for start, we ganna release a lot of new thinks whit your help and the great work of our programmers,¡join us now!

Official Website: Link
Official Discord: Link
Official Facebook: Link
Official YouTube: Link
Official Instagram: Link

[Selling] Pansuns $0.35 per 1k / $30,00 = 100k, Quick & Safe (NO PAYPAL TAX!)

200k in stock!(Update instantly)

Price: $0.35 = 1k
$17,5 = 50k
$30,00 = 100k!


Discord for more details : Quik#2863

payment via Paypal

Trading Method

To avoid suspicion and make the trade looks legit, you will have to trade me 1 or more junk Temtems against the Pansuns.​

When i have the pansuns ready, you confirm and transfer the money.

[Selling] Sunwell FROSTHOLD Another good chars for sell :-) * SHAM | PRIEST | ROGUE *

Hello, have some really good quality chars for sell on server Sunwell Frosthold, on horde side.

1. Priest Horde

-4,2k+ gs disco
-4k shadow
-profs: BS / Jwc MAX
-PvP 4k+ gs

2. Shaman

-4k gs + Dying curse trinket
-engi 400 +

3. Rogue

-3800+ gs PVP/ 847 resi (killing machine :gusta:)
-280% flying mount
-Herb / Mining max.
-Lockpicking max.
+Alt dk 65lvl with insciption MAX

4. Shaman HORDE (lvl 70) fresh +400g for start (cute and cheap ^^)

All characters are on different accounts !
I attach original email to every account ! (no scam here)

If u are interested about details, price or stuff, contact me via Discord:Veri#5919

[Selling] WoW-US Account - Lvl 120 Druid (Ilvl 465) / Retail Gold / Mage (lvl 60) on Classic

6 Months Subscription (Expires August 16th, 2020)

Main Druid Alliance:

-> Lvl 120;
-> Good Corruptions Pieces for make your build (including Infinite Stars Ring 465 Ilvl and others);
-> Feral / Resto / Boomy Druid;
-> Ilvl 465 for Boomy and Resto spec / Around 458-459 Feral;
-> 11700 Achiv Points;
-> 100 toys;
-> 49 Titles;
-> A lot Essences unlocked (For all specs);
-> Mining / Blacksmith Full on all expancs;
-> Legendarys and Reagents on bank / Tabards;


Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve Rank 11

Heart of Azeroth: Lvl 80

200 Honor Lvl (but on legion i got 25 prestige full so i already have all rewards)


-> All Vicios Saddle Mounts + 4 Saddles on bag;
-> 72 Mounts;
-> Obsidian Worldbreaker (UNOBTAINABLE);
-> Primal Flame Saber (UNOBTAINABLE);
-> Core Hound (UNOBTAINABLE);
-> Squeakers, the Trickster;
-> Zan-Tien Lasso on bag for Ivory Cloud Serpent;
-> Some long reps Mounts;

PVP Achivs/Xmogs:

-> Lieutenant Commander (2K CR RBGS)
-> 2200 2s / 2100 3s
-> Demonic Elite (2K CR Legion Session 7)
-> Dominant Elite (2K CR Legion Session 6)
-> Cruel Elite (2K CR Legion Session 3)
-> Fearless Elite (2K CR Legion Session 2)
-> Duelist Session 3 BFA (Dreadflame Weapon Ilusion)
-> Rival Session 4 BFA

Mage Tower:

Feral Mage Tower;

BFA Flying Unlocked:

Champions of Azeroth - Exalted
Tortollan Seekers - Exalted
Rustbolt Resistance - Exalted
Waveblade Ankoan - Exalted
Proudmoore Admiralty - Exalted
Order of Embers - Exalted
Storm's Wake - Exalted
7th Legion - Exalted
Rajani - Revered
Uldum Accord - Revered

Alt DK Alliance lvl 102:

Alt Druid Horde lvl 110:

Alt Mage Horde lvl 103:

Retail Gold:

4,000,000+ Gold Stormrage Alliance

MAGE Alliance lvl 60 on WoW Classic:

* Herborism / Alchemy Full on Classic;
* Herbs / Reagents on bank;
* 10g on bag;
* Rank 3 PVP;

Extra Bonus in the Account:

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Awesome Hearthstone Paladin Deck Options

Discord Contact: Frezzy#5567

[Buying] Classic gold on ALL Sever US/EU - Instant Payment - Lf supplier


Buying WoW Gold on ALL SEVER EU/US

I will beat/match the price of any established seller that you can find

Why should you choose me :

1. Always provides good/fair price.

2. Instant payment - We always pays immediately after trade.

3. Loyal Supplier will get even better price

Now Buying Gold on :

US -WOW CLASSIC + Retail on ALL Sever
EU - WOW CLASSIC + Retail on ALL Sever
Price: Please contact me on skype for my buying price.

Skype Name : Arteta Truong
Skype ID: live:smalldevil94_2

This is me

Known scammer ( might be more , be careful)

Please use the 2 button bellow to add me , for your safety.( Both button will lead to one same skype)

Button 1 :

Button 2


Payment Method:

Paypal ,Skrill, WMZ , BTC - ETH ( crypto in general )

Karma Koin, Steam gift card, Android gift card, Apple and many more type of gift card :)

If you want to be my supplier and you use a diffirent payment method , feel free to tell me, i will gladly set up a new payment method just for you.

Okay thanks for reading guys, i know you guys have alot of option but i would be really apprearicated if you can choose me. Cheers, have a nice day bois :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

[Selling] US Human Warrior PvE | BiS Epics | Transfer Available | 977g | BWL Attuned | More


Level 60 Warrior Details:

Race: Human
Gold: 977

Chestnut Mare (60% Speed)
Alchemy 300
Herbalism 300
300 First Aid
300 Cooking
Molten Core Attuned
Onyxia Attuned
Blackwing Lair Attuned


Helm of Wrath (T2)
Will of the Martyr
Spaulders of Valor
Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape
Breastplate of the Chromatic Flight
Slashclaw Bracers
Reiver Claws
Onslaught Girdle
Legplates of Valor
Sabatons of Might (T1)
Tarnished Elven Ring
Blackstone Ring
Diamond Flask
Blackhand's Breadth
Eskhandar's Right Claw
Mirah's Song
Belt of Might (T1)
Windreaver Greaves
Helm of Might (T1)
Blastershot Launcher

apollo 2 gold

wts apollo2 Horde gold 1.5usd per 1k. skype heat6041

[Selling] Glorious tyranny in bags

title says it all . have glorious tyranny in bags and looking to sell the character. send me a PM with your discord thanks!

[V9.1] [INTERNATIONAL] [RNN] Materials

Supported TurboHUD version: 9.x

Show information about different materials.
It is a simple plugin for those who want to have this data always visible without having to open the inventory.

The size and position is configurable. Example:
plugin.Xpor = 0.052f;
plugin.Ypor = 0.001f;
plugin.SizeMultiplier = 1.35f;

Download: Materials.cs

Installation: Place Materials.cs in "plugins\RNN\Materials.cs"

Custom code (in Plugins\User\PluginEnablerOrDisablerPlugin.cs , Optional) :


Hud.GetPlugin<RNN.Materials>().Enabled = true;
Hud.RunOnPlugin<RNN.Materials>(plugin =>
        plugin.Xpor = 0.567f;                // Valid values: from 0 to 1
        plugin.Ypor = 0.986f;                // Valid values: from 0 to 1
        plugin.SizeMultiplier = 1f;        // Size multiplier for text and icons
        plugin.Separation = 0.5f;        // Valid values: equal to or greater than zero . Separation between one material and the next
        plugin.ColorText = true;        // Different colors will be used for the text or white if ColorText = false
        plugin.WarningBS = true;        // Show Rectagle Red when Remaining Blood Shard < RemainingBS
        plugin.RemainingBS = 250;        // Limit
        plugin.InventorySpace = true;        // Show Free Space in the Inventory
}        );

[Selling] Buy (30Pieces) Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G 128GB (New Unlocked Original) $19,470CAD

Company Name Esellibuy
Price: Canadian dollars
Call us + 1-647-493-5698
We are located in Canada
Free Shipping Worldwide

[Selling] Quality Accounts Shop - all Levels - Email incl - fair $ - fictional Bnet Name


Are you looking for quality WoW Classic Accounts for a fair price? Then you are exactly at the right spot!

I am only offering accounts with Fake Bnet Names and Email included, without exception!
Fictional Bnet Name + Email access = Nobody can reclaim the account after you purchased it. 100%.
Cheap and negiotable prices, always!
All Accounts have Realm Transfer available!

Easy 3 Steps Deal:
1. Friendly service
2. Secure transaction
3. Instant delivery

WoW Classic Accounts in stock:

Level 60 Undead Warlock - 5xT1, BIS items like max Shadow Spell Power etc., rest Prebis+ - 300 Herbalism, 300 Skinning, 300 Fishing - female - EU Realm

Level 50 Tauren Druid - 300 Fishing - Decent level gear - male - EU Realm

Level 50 Human Warlock - 60% Riding + Mount - Herbalism + Skinning + Fishing upped at the appropriate level - decent level gear - male/female - EU Realm

Level 40 Orc Warrior - Mount + Riding - Decent level gear - male - EU Realm

Level 40 Undead Warlock - 60% Riding + Mount - Herbalism + Skinning + Fishing upped at the appropriate level - decent level gear - male - EU Realm

Level 40 Undead Rogue - 60% Riding + Mount - decent level gear - male - EU Realm

More low levels in stock. If you are looking for different race/class/levels, just hit me up and i might help you out :)!

________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________

Cheap prices and fast delivery!
Also buying Accounts!

Interested? You can reach me at:

Skype: thekeymaker1337
Discord: theKeymaker#3481
EpicNPC: PM me

Cya soon! :)
First come, first serve!

Note: Of course ALL the accounts comes with the original email + emailpassword, and all characters come with extra gold. Fake Bnet Names garuanteed. I have no problem with using a middleman for the transaction.

[Selling] ★ WoW Classic Power leveling 1-60 + Epic Mount 279$ 10 days ★ LOW Prices ★100% SAFE ★

Here at MMORPG-Leveling.com you can buy WOW Classic Power leveling at favorable prices. Of course, you have the ability to specify times when you want to play your WOW Classic character yourself. Our WOW Classic Powerleveling experts work without bots and other illegal aids. All found items remain in your possession!

WOW Classic level 1-60 299$ 8-10 days

WOW Classic level 1-50 229$ 6-7 days

WOW Classic level 1-40 149$ 4-5 days

WoW Classic Honor*100000 $79.99

WoW Classic Honor*200000 $159.99

WoW Classic Honor*300000 $229.99

WoW Classic Honor*400000 $299.99

SKYPE: Amygameservice

EMAIL: Customer-help@outlook.com

WEBSITE: mmorpg-leveling.com

please come to our live chat to let us know, we give you some discount.


1. Your In-Game items, currency, etc. will not be lost.

2. We do not use bots. We have workers who level up your account completely by their own hands.

3. We will keep all of the items on your account during the leveling.Never move gold or gears.

4. We will start your order within 10-15mins after order received.

5. We send progress with your charcter screen shot to your email per 24 hours.

6. We log on your account with VPN, use the same IP with yours.

[Selling] Whitemane H gold wow classic. 5 usd for 100 gold.

Selling my own gold on Whitemane horde wow classic. Im farming up to 300 gold per day and have steady flow. Price for gold is 5 usd per 100. Contact me with OC Mesage.

[Selling] 451 DK | 451 Lock | 447 Rogue | T3 Dreadnaught | TCG Tabs | MT | Chosen | Rare Mounts


Armory (Click to View):

451 Death Knight

451 Warlock

447 Rogue

439 Druid

429 Warrior



Heart of Azeroth: 75 (Death Knight)

Heart of Azeroth: 72 (Warlock)

Heart of Azeroth: 71 (Rogue)

Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve Rank 7 (Warlock)

Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve Rank 7 (Rogue)

Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve Rank 6 (Death Knight)

Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve Rank 5 (Druid)

Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve Rank 5 (Warrior)

Allied Races: Mag'har Orc
Allied Races: Void Elf
Allied Races: Nightborne
Allied Races: Lightforged Draenei
Allied Races: Highmountain Tauren

Notable Items & Transmog:

7/8 Tier 3 "Dreadnaught" Set (Helm, Shoulders, Chest, Legs, Hands, Belt, Boots)
Tabard of Brilliance
Tabard of the Arcane
Nightborne Heritage Armor
Mythic Funerary Plate of the Chosen Dead (UNOBTAINABLE)
Havoc Demon Hunter Mage Tower Artifact Appearance (UNOBTAINABLE)
Holy Paladin Mage Tower Artifact Appearance (UNOBTAINABLE)
Protection Paladin Mage Tower Artifact Appearance (UNOBTAINABLE)
Retribution Paladin Mage Tower Artifact Appearance (UNOBTAINABLE)
Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings

Notable Titles:

"the Chosen" (UNOBTAINABLE)
"The Honorable"
"The Prestigious"
"The Unrelenting"
"of the Four Winds"

Notable Mounts:

Felblaze Infernal (EXTREMELY RARE)
Antoran Charhound
Pureblood Fire Hawk
Primal Flamesaber (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ashenvale Chimaera
Bloodgorged Hunter
Headless Horseman's Mount
Lightforged Warframe
Leyfeather Hippogryph
Llothien Prowler
Cloudwing Hippogryph
Spirit of Eche'ro
Prestigious Ivory Courser
Prestigious Forest Courser
Drake of the North Wind
Abyss Worm
Violet Spellwing (UNOBTAINABLE)
Vitreous Stone Drake
Wonderwing 2.0

Notable Achievements:

Ahead of the Curve: Lady Jaina Proudmoore (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Argus the Unmaker (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Kil'jaeden (UNOBTAINABLE)
Cutting Edge: Gul'dan (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Xavius (UNOBTAINABLE)
Cutting Edge: Helya (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: The Black Gate (UNOBTAINABLE)

[Selling] Season 4 Apex Legends Boosting/Coaching - Ranks - Badges ||| FAST & RELIABLE |||


Hey guys! My name is Bo and i'm here to help you with any Apex Legends wishes that you might have.

I've been playing fps games since I was 7 years old, I have over 12k+ hours of experience all together (cs, cod, ow, pubg) and currently have around 2k hours in Apex.
I have 40k+ kills on my main account, finished top 100 predator in ranked Season 1 and top 150 predator in ranked Season 2 and Season 3.
You can check all of my banners in the picture attached below (my whole origin name is blacked out to prevent being added by random people and for the safety of my main acc).
I used to work for boosting sites, but I'm now offering my services to the wide public without any additional fees and unsecure payment methods. In Season 3, I completed 15 orders for ranked boosting (platinum and diamond to predator) and over 30 badge orders. According to my calculations I grinded around 100k rp on all accounts together in Season 3.
Since I'm playing on PC, I can only offer help with boosting on PC and not on XBOX/PS4!

Please read the next part carefully!

I understand that you might have fears and doubts about placing orders. That's why the best way for me and for you is to talk on discord. I'm always available there and I can answer any questions that you want to ask. I'm just a normal guy, so you don't have to be scared to contact me. All of the orders are completed without using any 3rd party software or ''alt f4ing'' so you have nothing to worry about.



Legend's Wake (20 kill badge) – 35€ (1 hour - 24 hours)*

Legend's Wrath (4k damage badge) – 35€ (1 hour – 24 hours)*

In my experience these two are the most wanted ones. If you would like any other badges (3k, triple triple…) contact me and tell me your requests.

*Delivery time depends on the time you contact me and your selected legend. If I'm online I can usually start right away.
I play till I complete the order. If I'm not online when you contact me, the order will be completed in the next 24 hours.

You can order the badges on any character you wish, but you have to understand that I will need more time to complete ''non meta'' legends.

Discount – if you would like to purchase more than 3 badges the 4th is 50% off.


Platinum to Diamond – 60€ (1 day – 2 days)

Diamond to Master – 140€ (around 1 day – 5 days)

1k RP in Master/Predator – 75€ (1 day – 3 days)*

*As you probably know by now ranked tiers work differently than they did before season 4. Unfortunately I can't offer ranked boosting to predator this season because of the top 500 system. That's why you can order RP boosting in Master Tier.


100 kills – 10€

I think that's about it for the info part. If you would like to place any orders or if you need more info, add me on discord and I will answer all required questions and explain just about anything.

Feel free to add me on discord for more info!!


[Boosting] Cheap and effective Overwatch boosting service .

Overwatch boosting very cheap and effective , this is my first time trying this out so the prices are very cheap. i can boost all the way up to 4.5k , add and message me on discord for fast responses. ;)

Discord : Pan#6803

[Buying] Deline Buying WoW Classic gold all servers need suppliers

Currently I'm buying gold on all servers need long term suppliers! contact me on discord please Deline#7618 or skype live:.cid.bc4778e2779cb851

Must speak English fluently!

Contact me and tell me your stock and price don't ask me how much im paying please I don't give offers if your price is good you will be my supplier and im gonna be buying from you frequently

most efficient bot for bounties currently?

I search a very good working bot to farm bounties nonstop, I tested ros-bot but the detection and compatibility to bot in grp is pretty bad (like it's running the same bounty as another guy in the party etc etc...)

Any free or paid bot you know is better for bounties than ros-bot, please hit me up by PM or here in this thread, thx!

[Selling] WTS Luma Nessla, Oceara, Saipat, Kalazu, Platox and Umishi

I want to sell my TemTem Lumas . I dont have a buy now price.

Msg me on Discord for more info: ber7o#7615

Serious bids only please.

Oceara 1: Oceara 1.jpg

Nessla 1: Nessla 1.jpg

Platox 1: Platox 1.jpg
Platox 2: Platox 2.jpg

Saipat 1: Saipat 1.jpg
Kalazu 1: Kalazu 1.jpg
Kalazu 2: Kalazu 2.jpg
Kalazu 3: Kalazu 3.jpg
Kalazu 4: Kalazu 4.jpg

Umishi 1: Umishi 1.jpg
Umishi 2: Umishi 2.jpg
Umishi 3: Umishi 3.jpg
Attached Images

[Selling] ✔ WoW Classic Services - TOTAL SALE 🎁

Hello, glad to see you here

We are nice team of WoW funs who can help you in any Warcraft issue

Meet our special offer
Actual from 13 to 27 Feruary 2020⌛

All Warcraft Classic services with 30% discount✨

What would u like to try?

✅ powerleveling 1-60 for 250$
✅ 100 gold on any server for 10$
✅ 60 level account on EU server for 230$
✅ 100 k honor for 30$

Looking forward to you

Skype: bolmanenok
Discord: bolmanenok#5954
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