Channel: OwnedCore - World of Warcraft Exploits, Hacks, Bots and Guides.
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[Bot] Advanced LUA Retail WoW Bot

Hello there, everyone.
I am currently in progress of making a LUA bot that is more advanced than pretty much every other retail WoW bot on the market currently. It'll be able to gather, grind, and possibly more in the future. I am curious about how many people would be interested in purchasing it when it's done, so feel free to drop me a PM if you'd like to know more info.


[Selling] Black Desert Mobile (BDMO) EU VELIA LV60 RANGER 3550 CP / 2.3K PEARLS, T4 PET

Hi everyone, I want to sell my black desert mobile account.

The account is linked to a dummy google account. which you will also get.

The asking price is 70 € which can be payed via paypal.
If there is some kind of middle man service here please let me know.

After receive of payment you will get the login and password to this account and change the password.

If you prefer eBay with PayPal, you can also find the account as article nr 283769518857 on eBay.de. You can also check my 100% Reputation there.

PM me for more information or Discord / Skype contact.

Server: EU Velia

  • LV 60 3550 CP + 17 from horse binding (S Tier)
  • More than 2300 black pearls
  • More than 100.000.000 silver
  • Black spirit LV 130
  • Arena LV 75
  • Active talents: Stufe 29-34
  • LV 6 english guild with multiple raids per week


  • More than 3000 boss stamps (1000 boss rush fights !)
  • Premium-Item: black spirit plus 18 days
  • Premium-Item: Combat Plus 2 days
  • Premium-Item: Life Plus 17 days
  • 14 days premium are equal to 5,49 € !
  • Inventory upgrades from shop


  • Ultimate Romain bow (orange) LV 31
  • Ultimate Shamir dagger (orange) LV 31
  • Grunil helmet (yellow, 2 gem slots) LV 30
  • Grunil armor (yellow, 2 gem slots) LV 30
  • Grunil gloves (yellow, 2 gem slots) LV 28
  • Grunil shoes (yellow, 2 gem slots) LV 29
  • Blue Accesory +8 (Set Bonus), Relic blue +5 or yellow
  • Crit and attack speed are capped, crit Damage 157%
  • Aalh +18, Serret +13, Labreve +15, Ahib +14%
  • 4x light stones yellow
  • Crystals orange, yellow or purple
  • Several costumes
  • 4 Pets: 1 Tier 4, 2 Tier 2, 1 Tier 1


  • Main building LV 6
  • Other buildings mostly LV 10 or LV11 (you can craft yellow weapons)
  • 25 workers
  • Node LV 16
  • Horse Rank 5
  • Ancient Relic Altar Upgrade LV14

Black Desert Mobile_Screenshot_2020.02.14_12.52.54.jpg
Black Desert Mobile_Screenshot_2020.02.14_12.54.51.jpg
Black Desert Mobile_Screenshot_2020.02.14_12.55.46.jpg

2+ clients in PoD?

I know it's against the rules but does anyone know if you can do this by having 2 folders or something? Or do you need a 3rd party program to do it?

Also if anyone is selling a working MH for d2jsp FG let me know. Don't want to spend $30+ on one that'll likely get banned out in a couple of weeks.


[Selling] 🔥Rare Luma⭐Shuine⭐ kaku wiplump banapi vulor kalazu all nice stat SVs[TEMTEM]


Discord Chopperz#5033 status > Online


All Luma can be discount when you buy more than one luma at same time

WTS Luma Shuine 500$

WTS Luma kalazu 35$

WTS Luma Kaku 70$

WTS Luma wiplump 65$

WTS Luma Vulor 45$

WTS Luma banapi 30$

Luma Vulvir 40$ Sold

inbox here or add me in discord Chopperz#5033

[Selling] Great lines - even greater prices

Greetings ARK Survivors. Are you looking to buy good lines for cheap prices?

Velo 10200HP - 913DMG 10500HP - 1090DMG COMING SOON!!!

Rhinos, Racers, Manas, Flyers... All that amongst a lot more great deals on SuperArket


Become a winner. Join the cheapest ARK market in the game? SuperArket

We hope to see you soon

[Selling] Temtem Gyalis 7/7 with Mirroning and TV's ATK-SPD 500 20$

[Boosting] ★ WoW Classic Power leveling 1-60 + Epic Mount 279$ 10 days ★ LOW Prices ★100% SAFE ★

Here at MMORPG-Leveling.com you can buy WOW Classic Power leveling at favorable prices. Of course, you have the ability to specify times when you want to play your WOW Classic character yourself. Our WOW Classic Powerleveling experts work without bots and other illegal aids. All found items remain in your possession!

WOW Classic level 1-60 299$ 8-10 days

WOW Classic level 1-50 229$ 6-7 days

WOW Classic level 1-40 149$ 4-5 days

WoW Classic Honor*100000 $79.99

WoW Classic Honor*200000 $159.99

WoW Classic Honor*300000 $229.99

WoW Classic Honor*400000 $299.99

SKYPE: Amygameservice

EMAIL: Customer-help@outlook.com

WEBSITE: mmorpg-leveling.com

please come to our live chat to let us know, we give you some discount.


1. Your In-Game items, currency, etc. will not be lost.

2. We do not use bots. We have workers who level up your account completely by their own hands.

3. We will keep all of the items on your account during the leveling.Never move gold or gears.

4. We will start your order within 10-15mins after order received.

5. We send progress with your charcter screen shot to your email per 24 hours.

6. We log on your account with VPN, use the same IP with yours.

[Selling] ★ WoW Classic Power leveling 1-60 + Epic Mount 279$ 10 days ★ LOW Prices ★100% SAFE ★

Here at MMORPG-Leveling.com you can buy WOW Classic Power leveling at favorable prices. Of course, you have the ability to specify times when you want to play your WOW Classic character yourself. Our WOW Classic Powerleveling experts work without bots and other illegal aids. All found items remain in your possession!

WOW Classic level 1-60 299$ 8-10 days

WOW Classic level 1-50 229$ 6-7 days

WOW Classic level 1-40 149$ 4-5 days

WoW Classic Honor*100000 $79.99

WoW Classic Honor*200000 $159.99

WoW Classic Honor*300000 $229.99

WoW Classic Honor*400000 $299.99

SKYPE: Amygameservice

EMAIL: Customer-help@outlook.com

WEBSITE: mmorpg-leveling.com

please come to our live chat to let us know, we give you some discount.


1. Your In-Game items, currency, etc. will not be lost.

2. We do not use bots. We have workers who level up your account completely by their own hands.

3. We will keep all of the items on your account during the leveling.Never move gold or gears.

4. We will start your order within 10-15mins after order received.

5. We send progress with your charcter screen shot to your email per 24 hours.

6. We log on your account with VPN, use the same IP with yours.

[Whisper Bot] Z' Whisper Alert Tool [Telegram] [Support Thread]

This is an Support-Thread for a Paid-Bot

Z-Chat Alerts

Running a WOW bot, scared that someone will message you asking what 2+2 is while your away from your computer?
Have no fear there is now a way for you to reply back to messages while at work or on the toilet using telegram mobile.

- How To Guide on setting up the application from start to finsh
- Discord channel access to quick support
- Z-Chat Alerts will monitor your WoW messages and send them directly to your Telegram
- Quick and simple reply back to your computer running WoW directly from your phone
- Exit Function you can close World of Warcraft over Telegram!
- Emote Function /dance /laugh
- Multi-Bot Support

Check it out:

If you are now interested check it out.
Click me to stay safe ([Whisper Bot] Z' Whisper Alert Tool [Telegram])

(We use GetGud.cc as Payment-Service but its still a own Product and not related to Orca)
(If you want to get Access to the GetGud Store you need to add 1$ in Credits to your Account you can use it later to Pay its not Gone)

Remember you can now enjoy your porcelain throne time with peace of mind.

Wish you a good day
greetz Zerokx

If you have any questions contact me over PM or Discord: Zerokx#1337 or ask in this Thread!

[Selling] Buy (30Pieces) Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 512GB (New Unlocked Original) $25,470CAD

Company Name Esellibuy
Price: Canadian dollars
Call us + 1-647-493-5698
We are located in Canada
Free Shipping Worldwide

[Trading] Trust BTC For Korea

Bithumb Agent Korea
Remittances are made on behalf of those who want to send Bitcoin in Korea.
Why do you have to use Bithumb Agent Korea?

First, PayPal's Disadvantages
1. refund policy - (PayPal Returns Fee Refund Service) PayPal is refundable for illegal programs.
2. bankbook locked - (PayPal Usage Restriction Policy) If reported through the distribution of illegal programs, bank accounts will be locked and unavailable.
3. safety problem - PayPal is very dangerous because it has to be authenticated with cell phones and cards.
Developers who like non-certified btc.

Second, Status of Bitcoin and location of Bithumb Agent Korea
1. South Korea is very vulnerable to bitcoin. Registration is difficult and limited and cannot be sent right away.
2. I am working with the government to legally send Bitcoin instead.

Third, the best service.
1. I can send bitcoin right away regardless of time and quantity.
2. It can respond 24 hours a day and communicate in four languages to help Korean sellers communicate.
3. All cryptocurrency bills, including bitcoin, Monero, Idarium and Lightcoin, are available.

the benefits of using me
1. solve the problem of black money.(Exchange to other cryptocurrency currencies.)
2. I will do PayPal service later.

How can you use me?
1. I want you to invite me to the discode shop and make a channel.
2. Give me access to discord. I'll decorate it myself.
3. You enter my discode room and communicate with the sellers.

How can you trust me to make a deal?
- Many users are already using me to send a btc.

- If you want, I'll invite you to the discode room. See for yourself.

Partial explanation and coordination of fees
- Developers sell developed tricks stably, The seller benefits from the sale, I'll only get a commission on each other's dealings.
- I can benefit everyone and help you to be content.
- If you think I get a lot of commission, I can adjust.

It would be the best option for you to pick me.
I'll wait for the Discord message.

Discord : Bithumb Agent Korea#7931
Attached Images

[Selling Gold] Selling WoW Classic gold all servers 100% feedback, quick delivery

Gold is hand farmed, after placing order gold will be delivered within 2-5 minutes.

I won't make you wait 20 hour to accept your friend request on discord if I'm online

Contact details:

Skype: live:.cid.bc4778e2779cb851

Discord: Deline#7618 Unique ID: 656194951729905684

Payments via Paypal

[Buying] WTB Ally Hunter PVP transferable

Looking for a lvl60 hunt that is able to be transferred to a pvp realm. Meaning it is on a PVP realm already and has not been transferred in 3months. Attunement and pre-bis is preferred, any gear beyond that is bonus and I will be happy to pay for it.

Discord stonyblony#7859

I will pay top dollar.

[Buying] 🔺️🔻 [Buy] WoW Gold 🔺️🔻


We are glad to see you on our official ownedcore page. We are looking for regular suppliers of


Dont want to be scammed? Looking for reliable and benefical cooperation? Then contact us. We are professional sellers and offer best service, prompt payment, a lot of orders. Earn with us today.

Payment: skrill ; paypal; webmoney; Btc ;
Please contact us anytime


[Buying] 🔺️🔻[Buy] Classic Gold🔺️🔻


We are glad to see you on our official ownedcore page. We are looking for regular suppliers of

WOW classic

Dont want to be scammed? Looking for reliable and benefical cooperation? Then contact us. We are professional sellers and offer best service, prompt payment, a lot of orders. Earn with us today.

Payment: skrill ; paypal; webmoney; Btc ;
Please contact us anytime


[Buying] 🔺️🔻[Buy] PoE Currency🔺️🔻


We are glad to see you on our official ownedcore page. We are looking for regular suppliers of

PoE currency

Dont want to be scammed? Looking for reliable and benefical cooperation? Then contact us. We are professional sellers and offer best service, prompt payment, a lot of orders. Earn with us today.

Payment: skrill ; paypal; webmoney; Btc ;
Please contact us anytime


[Boosting] EU - Demon hunters up to Gladiator and above! - (R1 can be discussed)

Hey guys, i'm offering a pilot service using VPN to get your demon hunter gladiator or whatever CR you're aiming for.

Must have/be:

75 neck
460+ iLvl

R1 can be discussed upon request once we finish the gladiator+ boost.
Games can be streamed on discord for you privately to view.

If you're interested add me on discord: carnagé#1417

[Buying] WTB Ally Hunter PVP transferable

Looking for a lvl60 hunt that is able to be transferred to a pvp realm. Meaning it is on a PVP realm already and has not been transferred in 3months. Attunement and pre-bis is preferred, any gear beyond that is bonus and I will be happy to pay for it.

Discord stonyblony#7859

I will pay top dollar.

[Selling] Amazing Luma Bunbun for $ offers me / Discord: Fofura#9412

[Selling] Frosthold Sunwell Fresh lvl 80 Undead Warlock +Email

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