Interested in Rust Scripts?!?
Zoom Scripts SELL the Cheapest and Best Scripts on the Market to this date!!
We also Sell other things including CSGO Cheats, Rust Cheats, VPN's, Spoofers and much more!
Our Prices Vary between what bundle you buy on our Discord [All Prices Listed]
All of our Product information is in our Discord Channel Including F.A.Q and Pricing
All of our Rust Scripts are Lifetime and Do not contain Monthly Subscription/Payments
For more ifnroamtion about us, It is all Listened Below.
Script Creator's Discord ID : Critz#3640
Scripts Video:
Zoom Scripts [Rust Private Scripts] - YouTube
[Some of our Videos do not contain Full User footage of our Products.]
Q: Do the scripts work with my mouse?
Answer: Yes the scripts work with any mouse as they're universal.
Q: Are the scripts fully undetected?
Answer: Yes the scripts are fully undetected and won't get you banned. We also have a #- channel to alert each buyer in the rare case of the scripts getting detected.
Q: Are the scripts accurate?
Answer: Yes our scripts are very accurate, you can judge this for yourself with the videos with all the videos we Provide
Q: If the scripts get detected do I get compensated?
Answer: Yes, If you get banned while using our Clients We give you a full payment refund also a free Rust account and a Updated version of our client.
Q: What is the in-game sensitivity and fov for the scripts?
Answer: The in-game sensitivity is 0.5 and the fov is 90
Q: Does it matter what DPI I use?
Answer: The scripts work with any DPI
Q: Is there any way I could get a discount?
Answer: Yes, We do giveaway discounts if you get certain amount of invites!
Q: How much do the scripts cost? Do I have to keep paying each month..
Answer: The scripts are a one time purchase of what ever bundle you choose.
Q: Where can I purchase the scripts?
Answer: By Messaging Critz#9636 On Discord Or One of our Management Team members on our Discord!
Q: Do you accept PayPal?
Answer: Yes we accept PayPal, but unfortunately this is the only payment method we currently accept. You are unable to pay with things like gift cards etc...
Q: How do I install?
Answer: Message one of the Management Team members or Critz#3640 and they will get you sorted!