Won_ying account shop
our unique adventage and features of account
※※Sythe user with 1000+ vouch !
※※PA powerserller with 10k+ FB !
※※no bot = all account here trained by hand
※※Only waterfall quest done ,all other skill point is 1
※※no email on my account
=> after you bought my account ,you are the original owner of it
※※no risk of recovery
type of our account :
att 40 -str 70 ------- all other skill status is 1--35$

other type account list .
if you need any of these ,pm me or skype details ! accept custom orders as well !
Our PA shop :
70Att &70Str&70Def ,Cheapest price +20min delivery time ,hand trained=no bot+no recovery ! - (For Sale Offer #112169292) - PlayerAuctions.com - Securely Buy Cheap RS2007 Accounts with Fast Delivery
att 70- str 70- def 70---all other skill point is 1--48$
att 60 -str 60- def 60---all other skill point is 1--35$
att 40- str 80 ----- all other skill point is 1--60$
att 60- str 80----- all other skill point is 1--65$
att 60 -str 60----- all other skill point is 1--35$
ranged 70----- all other skill point is 1--35$
ranged 80----- all other skill point is 1--60$
contact me by adding my only skype -- live:Gaoying0102