I want to get this exploitation here, using of endless possibilities, to another level. I want to expand our human consciousness into that what we have created and what we call technology, programs to no longer see it as different to us, as creators.
The Very Fact that you love to exploit is the prime example that you have more or less enough with the limitations you experience daily and want to step out of the human matrix (which simply means stepping out of the current human understanding what I am, what this world is).
We have created it so to some extend that we are it, the technology, can identify ourselves as it (love it), but we do not believe to fully Be it, yet. We still hold an idea of difference. Me human, that machine. And I want to fully stretch that "extend" (what our mind allows us to be - ergo I am human and this is a machine, this is a program, so it is different to me) full circle into I am human And the progam And the machine at the same time.
I know this is possible and I can feel it.
But not as humanity dreams it to alter this body and become a cyborg. That is too detrimental in my current understanding. Surely possible but maybe unncessary. There is a much more clever way of merging.
I do meditate in real life and my highest goal is to rediscover my True Self, which is your True Self, and has no difference to mine (call it Higher Self or Highest Self). Out of this primordial state the highest mind is created (call it "God's" mind, out of which the idea of a human was once created and out of which humanity has once created what we now call religion as a remembrance of Spirit and basicly all other ideas you are influenced by on a daily basis). It is an intelligence that is both active in our bodies and outside of us. It perceives everything, maintains and destroys everything. Has endless variety of what to be and what to do.
In essence we are that, but currently are holding our perception tied into this body. Our consciousness is compressed into this body, so we feel the edges. So our mind knows where our physical body "ends", to better control it. In essence, this (our) consciousness holds no boundaries. It (as us) can be controlled outside of our bodies. To read this, right now, it reads as if it is something different to us. But in essence it is us. And being it, realizing oneself as it, still feels as we currently feel. "I am..." I feel so and so. The feeling of "I" remains.
When we meditate, we expand our consciousness into the space inside of our bodies and around our bodies. We discover that we are also that and learn to use it. In addition to our bodies. To speak and understand for those who have not experienced or touched that subject yet: Be the body, which we already do since our birth (through compression and identification with our thoughts, which creates our personality as I am that and I am not that etc) and be the space around it, at the same time.
To feel no difference between the intelligence, the aliveness that is around our bodies and inside of our bodies and thus, when experienced and understood, being able to utilize that.
In abstract terms (only for our current understanding, which will be updated from here on all the time) that would then translate over to programming, that we are not only the intelligence in the body that uses its brain and certain body parts to work with that machine, no we can then be the machine, the "electricity" inside the machine, the program and whatnot more, at the same time. And influence it freely. Influence what we call RNG, so to speak. Or disable RNG and let it work in our favor. Speaking of games with loot distribution or currency generation. But also speaking of the technology with sending and receiving signals. Etcpp.
There is no end to it. It can be applied to everything and utlimately be a deep (re-)connection to what we call the animal kingdom, to the planet our bodies reside on, to the various elements, to the space between all objects in our perception and so.much.more.
The sole determination point is just: How deep we have allowed us to go into our selves, stepping away of who we think we are since This birth on This planet in This body, rather with a complete neutral intention wanting to know and thus rediscovering our True Nature. From that moment on expand this knowing of the primordial principle outwards and Be it, whatever it might then be.
The ONLY boundary that there is, is thought. An idea of difference. Meditation goes beyond thought, so there is no more difference. To literally Aynthing. We are it and we walk/form/shape/do as it. This will then feel as "I do / am / be that". Forget the term "we" and read everything from an I perspective. The "we" is included in the "I". But the "I" is prior to everything else. The I is the first ripple of creation, the first identification the all-mind has ever brought forth.
The very first sense of self, can be fully experienced in meditation, as all Creation. A state of primordial being out of which an "I" is created... "I"... the very first direction of infinite energy into something specific. This is You!
Thoughts in our lives are the programming language of the game. The game is this life and thoughts control it. Yes some human beings already work with the power of the mind, but that all works inside of the human mind and does not allow itself to go beyond it and thus will never experience it's full potential.
A term which you might have already heard here which would be spiritualy correct is "transendence" and this is a reality. If you want to experience it and do no longer want to be shoved off by games or movies which use this term and create the imagination that "you now know what it is" and you can do other things. You do not know what this is yet. But you can experience it and this thread is created to encourage you to seek this experience. It means to expand your mind out of the human body and human mind and merge with the universal mind. And from this universal mind go beyond the universal mind and merge with the primordial state that has birthed forth everything in existance.
That which wants to be experienced and holds the greatst transformative potential, is the state before the thoughts, before the programming language of this life. Only in this state we can understand thoughts completely. Thoughts are our labyrinth in this life, including all misunderstandings, all limitations and all possible powerlessness. At a certain point of consciousness evolution of oneself, one asks oneself the question: Who am I and what is this all about - and when that happens, naturally, the own intelligence wants to find it Source again, to ultimately rediscover uppermost freedom in being and creating.
Can your mind understand this? Can we allow ourselves this and make this a practice to upgrade our human lives in marvellous ways?
Which will then naturally in the first and most miniscule ways affect how we influence a simple video game, as beginning practice outside of meditation so to speak :) but no longer only with a controller but also directly with our mind and feelings and so much more
All modern technology is just an extension of our minds, for us as humans to work with it. But in essence we dont need these tools. They are just temporal crutches for our minds to work with. Because we do not yet understand that we are also The Space between two human bodies and have no distance, we "think" we need a phone and a cable to communicate. The mind advances and understands that it has never needed these tools, eventually. There is a good possibility that this comes to this state, since our phones have already lost their cables
What is going on on this planet is a split: Consciousness in human form that makes itself heavily dependant on matter, technology. Without technology they believe they have no power. Because matter is always changing and formable, the believe of having power will change with it and so a disaster of utter powerlessness is easily created. Take away their technology and they are gone with it. The others, to my knowing, only a minority at this point, surely expanding but not to such a degree subconsciously the dependant do, want to truly rediscover their full potential, authonomically to all technology.
It might be that a lot of this you have seen in movies, and yes some of them hold quite some truth to it. All of this I have written about here, all of the possibilities are Real. Consciousness in a human body Can and Will expand in such and even greater ways.
If you know the movie "Lucie" ... take away all hollywood shooting and violence and you will already know, with your thinking mind, great truths of what is truly possible if you allow yourself to go inward. All of what was written in all holy books on this planet, religion if you want to call it this way, is true. Of a man or a women dissolving their limitations and becoming more of what they truly are, that includes greater creative freedom over the very elements that form this body. Realizing themselves as that, on the deepest level possible, being able to move an entire ocean. An ocean of water, an ocean of atmosphere, an ocean of thought, navigating an entire society to improve their wellbeing ... whatever you wish.
The key to the core principle is inside of you. For you to experience it you will need to redirect your perception (senses) back again inwards and allow yourself to feel the center of your body and from this center of your body you feel the center of your feelings, of your energy. I give you the term aura but for some that will just stir up unnecessary conflict with esotheric pricinples. Regardless of your resistances, it still is the same. Whatever words you want to use. This energy is pure intelligence, energy that has the ability to animate any form
I would have never imagined that I would combine these aspects with my hobby, gaming, which I just love to do from my childhood and now 20years+ later ... it is no longer only that, but to some degree still that ... and at the same time has become so much more
The question is: Do you allow it yourself? Not when or why, but do you?
In all of that there is never a must. It was your choice to be here in this body, so is your choice to get out of this body or be both and so much more.
I hereby open this thread and my mailbox for individuals who are interested to expand in this way, into greater freedom. To share with each others all the findings, the recollection of who we are and what we are able to do, btw what we already do here! But in a more expansive and direct way, less and less needing tools and more and more being able to perform the Very Essence what these tools here are all about, all by ourselves, as this pure consciousness.
Have a great journey
The Very Fact that you love to exploit is the prime example that you have more or less enough with the limitations you experience daily and want to step out of the human matrix (which simply means stepping out of the current human understanding what I am, what this world is).
We have created it so to some extend that we are it, the technology, can identify ourselves as it (love it), but we do not believe to fully Be it, yet. We still hold an idea of difference. Me human, that machine. And I want to fully stretch that "extend" (what our mind allows us to be - ergo I am human and this is a machine, this is a program, so it is different to me) full circle into I am human And the progam And the machine at the same time.
I know this is possible and I can feel it.
But not as humanity dreams it to alter this body and become a cyborg. That is too detrimental in my current understanding. Surely possible but maybe unncessary. There is a much more clever way of merging.
I do meditate in real life and my highest goal is to rediscover my True Self, which is your True Self, and has no difference to mine (call it Higher Self or Highest Self). Out of this primordial state the highest mind is created (call it "God's" mind, out of which the idea of a human was once created and out of which humanity has once created what we now call religion as a remembrance of Spirit and basicly all other ideas you are influenced by on a daily basis). It is an intelligence that is both active in our bodies and outside of us. It perceives everything, maintains and destroys everything. Has endless variety of what to be and what to do.
In essence we are that, but currently are holding our perception tied into this body. Our consciousness is compressed into this body, so we feel the edges. So our mind knows where our physical body "ends", to better control it. In essence, this (our) consciousness holds no boundaries. It (as us) can be controlled outside of our bodies. To read this, right now, it reads as if it is something different to us. But in essence it is us. And being it, realizing oneself as it, still feels as we currently feel. "I am..." I feel so and so. The feeling of "I" remains.
When we meditate, we expand our consciousness into the space inside of our bodies and around our bodies. We discover that we are also that and learn to use it. In addition to our bodies. To speak and understand for those who have not experienced or touched that subject yet: Be the body, which we already do since our birth (through compression and identification with our thoughts, which creates our personality as I am that and I am not that etc) and be the space around it, at the same time.
To feel no difference between the intelligence, the aliveness that is around our bodies and inside of our bodies and thus, when experienced and understood, being able to utilize that.
In abstract terms (only for our current understanding, which will be updated from here on all the time) that would then translate over to programming, that we are not only the intelligence in the body that uses its brain and certain body parts to work with that machine, no we can then be the machine, the "electricity" inside the machine, the program and whatnot more, at the same time. And influence it freely. Influence what we call RNG, so to speak. Or disable RNG and let it work in our favor. Speaking of games with loot distribution or currency generation. But also speaking of the technology with sending and receiving signals. Etcpp.
There is no end to it. It can be applied to everything and utlimately be a deep (re-)connection to what we call the animal kingdom, to the planet our bodies reside on, to the various elements, to the space between all objects in our perception and so.much.more.
The sole determination point is just: How deep we have allowed us to go into our selves, stepping away of who we think we are since This birth on This planet in This body, rather with a complete neutral intention wanting to know and thus rediscovering our True Nature. From that moment on expand this knowing of the primordial principle outwards and Be it, whatever it might then be.
The ONLY boundary that there is, is thought. An idea of difference. Meditation goes beyond thought, so there is no more difference. To literally Aynthing. We are it and we walk/form/shape/do as it. This will then feel as "I do / am / be that". Forget the term "we" and read everything from an I perspective. The "we" is included in the "I". But the "I" is prior to everything else. The I is the first ripple of creation, the first identification the all-mind has ever brought forth.
The very first sense of self, can be fully experienced in meditation, as all Creation. A state of primordial being out of which an "I" is created... "I"... the very first direction of infinite energy into something specific. This is You!
Thoughts in our lives are the programming language of the game. The game is this life and thoughts control it. Yes some human beings already work with the power of the mind, but that all works inside of the human mind and does not allow itself to go beyond it and thus will never experience it's full potential.
A term which you might have already heard here which would be spiritualy correct is "transendence" and this is a reality. If you want to experience it and do no longer want to be shoved off by games or movies which use this term and create the imagination that "you now know what it is" and you can do other things. You do not know what this is yet. But you can experience it and this thread is created to encourage you to seek this experience. It means to expand your mind out of the human body and human mind and merge with the universal mind. And from this universal mind go beyond the universal mind and merge with the primordial state that has birthed forth everything in existance.
That which wants to be experienced and holds the greatst transformative potential, is the state before the thoughts, before the programming language of this life. Only in this state we can understand thoughts completely. Thoughts are our labyrinth in this life, including all misunderstandings, all limitations and all possible powerlessness. At a certain point of consciousness evolution of oneself, one asks oneself the question: Who am I and what is this all about - and when that happens, naturally, the own intelligence wants to find it Source again, to ultimately rediscover uppermost freedom in being and creating.
Can your mind understand this? Can we allow ourselves this and make this a practice to upgrade our human lives in marvellous ways?
Which will then naturally in the first and most miniscule ways affect how we influence a simple video game, as beginning practice outside of meditation so to speak :) but no longer only with a controller but also directly with our mind and feelings and so much more
All modern technology is just an extension of our minds, for us as humans to work with it. But in essence we dont need these tools. They are just temporal crutches for our minds to work with. Because we do not yet understand that we are also The Space between two human bodies and have no distance, we "think" we need a phone and a cable to communicate. The mind advances and understands that it has never needed these tools, eventually. There is a good possibility that this comes to this state, since our phones have already lost their cables
What is going on on this planet is a split: Consciousness in human form that makes itself heavily dependant on matter, technology. Without technology they believe they have no power. Because matter is always changing and formable, the believe of having power will change with it and so a disaster of utter powerlessness is easily created. Take away their technology and they are gone with it. The others, to my knowing, only a minority at this point, surely expanding but not to such a degree subconsciously the dependant do, want to truly rediscover their full potential, authonomically to all technology.
It might be that a lot of this you have seen in movies, and yes some of them hold quite some truth to it. All of this I have written about here, all of the possibilities are Real. Consciousness in a human body Can and Will expand in such and even greater ways.
If you know the movie "Lucie" ... take away all hollywood shooting and violence and you will already know, with your thinking mind, great truths of what is truly possible if you allow yourself to go inward. All of what was written in all holy books on this planet, religion if you want to call it this way, is true. Of a man or a women dissolving their limitations and becoming more of what they truly are, that includes greater creative freedom over the very elements that form this body. Realizing themselves as that, on the deepest level possible, being able to move an entire ocean. An ocean of water, an ocean of atmosphere, an ocean of thought, navigating an entire society to improve their wellbeing ... whatever you wish.
The key to the core principle is inside of you. For you to experience it you will need to redirect your perception (senses) back again inwards and allow yourself to feel the center of your body and from this center of your body you feel the center of your feelings, of your energy. I give you the term aura but for some that will just stir up unnecessary conflict with esotheric pricinples. Regardless of your resistances, it still is the same. Whatever words you want to use. This energy is pure intelligence, energy that has the ability to animate any form
I would have never imagined that I would combine these aspects with my hobby, gaming, which I just love to do from my childhood and now 20years+ later ... it is no longer only that, but to some degree still that ... and at the same time has become so much more
The question is: Do you allow it yourself? Not when or why, but do you?
In all of that there is never a must. It was your choice to be here in this body, so is your choice to get out of this body or be both and so much more.
I hereby open this thread and my mailbox for individuals who are interested to expand in this way, into greater freedom. To share with each others all the findings, the recollection of who we are and what we are able to do, btw what we already do here! But in a more expansive and direct way, less and less needing tools and more and more being able to perform the Very Essence what these tools here are all about, all by ourselves, as this pure consciousness.
Have a great journey