I'm selling 4 different characters at the moment.
Warlock: //alliance gnome female
Fancy mount
Nature/frost resistance gear
Mage: //aliance gnome male
AB/WSG exalted
Awesome pvp gear
Almost equally geared as the warlock.
Fancy mount
Nature/Frost/Fire resistance gear
Druid: //aliance night elf female
Preraid boomkin gear
T2+AQ40/Naxx healing gear, rejuv gem
Preraid DPS feral
Almost preraid tank feral (with some raid tanking pieces)
Rogue: //horde undead male
x2 T3 tokens
x1 AQ40 token
T2 head
Fire resistance gear
Nature resistance
Ancient Qiraji Ripper // close BiS main hand weapon
Reason for selling: stopped playing, focusing on studies.
Contact on Skype: christian.viken2
Further questions can be directed to me on Skype.
Thank you.
I'm selling 4 different characters at the moment.
Warlock: //alliance gnome female

Fancy mount
Nature/frost resistance gear
Mage: //aliance gnome male
AB/WSG exalted
Awesome pvp gear
Almost equally geared as the warlock.
Fancy mount
Nature/Frost/Fire resistance gear
Druid: //aliance night elf female
Preraid boomkin gear
T2+AQ40/Naxx healing gear, rejuv gem
Preraid DPS feral
Almost preraid tank feral (with some raid tanking pieces)
Rogue: //horde undead male
x2 T3 tokens
x1 AQ40 token
T2 head
Fire resistance gear
Nature resistance
Ancient Qiraji Ripper // close BiS main hand weapon
Reason for selling: stopped playing, focusing on studies.
Contact on Skype: christian.viken2
Further questions can be directed to me on Skype.
Thank you.