wts very nice unique account , 250 mounts , 19k achivement points , rare editions
WoW Class: Druid
WTS 19205 achivement points , 252 mounts , rare collector editons + rare stuff
WoW Class: Druid
So i want to sell my account , im just tired of the game and i hate this lastest patch , dont have any fun anymore since last year.
Level 100 Night Elf Druid | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory
Its 4 times collector edtion
- vanilla CE
So thats some FOS and unique pets.
Got some rare mounts
Alar , garosh hc , aeonax , timelost drake , ragnaros , the camal from uldum , karazhan , deathchargers from riverdare and ALOT more.
Also have the turle mount the TGC one 150 one.
Have the YAK and all the panthers = 250k - 300k.
Im asking for 350 euro minimum and 425 instant buyout.
Using skrill only , and MAYBE only verified paypal.
My skype - andre.tomept
Leave your skype info here or send me a private message.
WoW Class: Druid
WTS 19205 achivement points , 252 mounts , rare collector editons + rare stuff
WoW Class: Druid
So i want to sell my account , im just tired of the game and i hate this lastest patch , dont have any fun anymore since last year.
Level 100 Night Elf Druid | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory
Its 4 times collector edtion
- vanilla CE
So thats some FOS and unique pets.
Got some rare mounts
Alar , garosh hc , aeonax , timelost drake , ragnaros , the camal from uldum , karazhan , deathchargers from riverdare and ALOT more.
Also have the turle mount the TGC one 150 one.
Have the YAK and all the panthers = 250k - 300k.
Im asking for 350 euro minimum and 425 instant buyout.
Using skrill only , and MAYBE only verified paypal.
My skype - andre.tomept
Leave your skype info here or send me a private message.