Title says most of it. I have a few mounts that are noteworthy, but nothing to drive the price around too much. I am the original owner of the account and I've swapped to a new b.net for legion and I'm just looking to dump the account for a decent amount. You can reach me through Skype @ GaigeRiggs. There is one or two of every class at least level 85, I believe 5 or 6 100's, but only two worth nothing. Not a lot of gold. Just a strong druid and a warlock. Druid has a 732 Boomkin offset.
Masked Armory Link:
Level 100 Tauren Druid | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory <--- Druid
Masked Armory Link:
Level 100 Tauren Druid | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory <--- Druid