Low price, Express delivery, Safe & Secure.
Current rate is : 0.15$ / 1g | Update, 07/05/2016 | 1800g in stock.

Private seller, all gold is hand made, trading via cross-server.
You will receive your gold immediately, no waiting after payment is made.
Why Me?
Lowest rate.
Handmade gold.
Experienced seller.
5 minutes delivery after payment is made.
Individual player selling to other player, safer.
No robot auto reply, you're dealing with real person.
How to:
Reply on the thread with the amount you want to buy.
Add my skype.
Specify the amount you're buying.
If there is ready stock, I will ask you to make payment.
Buyer will have to pay first and all fees will be paid by buyer.
Gold will be delivered within 5 minutes after buyer made payment.
Servers : ALL
PayPal : Only