Stats: Screenshot by Lightshot
91 att 99 str 90 def 94 hp 70 pray 75 range
Untradeables: Screenshot by Lightshot
138 QP
Has no recoveries, No auth.
Haven't logged in for 8 months until now, don't plan on ever coming back. Too busy with school and the girlfriend. Nothing much left for me here. Found a nice trusted to place to get rid of it!
Only looking for like $40 or $45 maybe
I know accounts don't go for much anymore, if interested let me know!
Skype: Zane.Reyna
91 att 99 str 90 def 94 hp 70 pray 75 range
Untradeables: Screenshot by Lightshot
138 QP
Has no recoveries, No auth.
Haven't logged in for 8 months until now, don't plan on ever coming back. Too busy with school and the girlfriend. Nothing much left for me here. Found a nice trusted to place to get rid of it!
Only looking for like $40 or $45 maybe
I know accounts don't go for much anymore, if interested let me know!
Skype: Zane.Reyna