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[Tutorial] Missing Glyphs Script

I am trying to enter inscription bussiness and i need all glyps in my stock. I couldnt find any addon that show glyphs that not any one of my characters bag,bank,ah or basically not in my glyph stock.(If you know any let me know) So i create basic node.js script.

Fist I am using tsm for tracking items on my characters and this script depends tsm

Lets save this as glyph.js


var all={40920:"Glyph of Hurricane",40919:"Glyph of the Orca",40900:"Glyph of the Stag",40903:"Glyph of Rake",40912:"Glyph of Regrowth",40921:"Glyph of Skull Bash",44922:"Glyph of Stars",42736:"Glyph of Arcane Explosion",42739:"Glyph of Combustion",42743:"Glyph of Momentum",42744:"Glyph of Ice Block",42745:"Glyph of Splitting Ice",42746:"Glyph of Cone of Cold",42748:"Glyph of Rapid Displacement",42751:"Glyph of Crittermorph",42753:"Glyph of Icy Veins",42754:"Glyph of Spellsteal",44920:"Glyph of Remove Curse",44955:"Glyph of Arcane Power",42897:"Glyph of Aspects",42898:"Glyph of Camouflage",42901:"Glyph of Distracting Shot",42902:"Glyph of Endless Wrath",42903:"Glyph of Deterrence",42904:"Glyph of Disengage",42905:"Glyph of Freezing Trap",42906:"Glyph of Ice Trap",42908:"Glyph of Explosive Trap",42910:"Glyph of No Escape",42912:"Glyph of Tame Beast",42915:"Glyph of Mend Pet",42917:"Glyph of Solace",41101:"Glyph of Focused Shield",41096:"Glyph of Divine Protection",41099:"Glyph of Consecration",41095:"Glyph of Holy Wrath",41108:"Glyph of Divinity",41100:"Glyph of the Luminous Charger",41094:"Glyph of Devotion Aura",41110:"Glyph of Blessed Life",41102:"Glyph of Burden of Guilt",42956:"Glyph of Decoy",42957:"Glyph of Blade Flurry",42960:"Glyph of Evasion",42961:"Glyph of Recovery",42963:"Glyph of Feint",42964:"Glyph of Garrote",42965:"Glyph of Detection",42966:"Glyph of Gouge",42967:"Glyph of Hemorrhage",42968:"Glyph of Smoke Bomb",42970:"Glyph of Hemorrhaging Veins",42971:"Glyph of Kick",42973:"Glyph of Shiv",42974:"Glyph of Sprint",43425:"Glyph of Shield Slam",43412:"Glyph of Bloody Healing",43414:"Glyph of Hindering Strikes",43417:"Glyph of Rude Interruption",43419:"Glyph of Blitz",43421:"Glyph of Mortal Strike",43422:"Glyph of Die by the Sword",43430:"Glyph of Resonating Power",43428:"Glyph of Sweeping Strikes",43432:"Glyph of Raging Wind",42396:"Glyph of Circle of Healing",42397:"Glyph of Purify",42399:"Glyph of Fear Ward",42403:"Glyph of Deep Wells",42404:"Glyph of Mass Dispel",42405:"Glyph of Psychic Horror",42407:"Glyph of Weakened Soul",42408:"Glyph of Power Word: Shield",42409:"Glyph of Spirit of Redemption",42410:"Glyph of Psychic Scream",42412:"Glyph of Scourge Imprisonment",42415:"Glyph of Dispel Magic",42417:"Glyph of Prayer of Mending",43533:"Glyph of Anti-Magic Shell",43535:"Glyph of the Geist",43536:"Glyph of Icebound Fortitude",43537:"Glyph of Chains of Ice",43539:"Glyph of Death's Embrace",43544:"Glyph of Horn of Winter",43546:"Glyph of Icy Touch",43547:"Glyph of Enduring Infection",43548:"Glyph of Blood Boil",43549:"Glyph of Mind Freeze",43550:"Glyph of Army of the Dead",43551:"Glyph of Foul Menagerie",43552:"Glyph of Strangulate",43553:"Glyph of Pillar of Frost",43554:"Glyph of Vampiric Blood",43673:"Glyph of Death Gate",43671:"Glyph of Path of Frost",43672:"Glyph of Resilient Grip",41517:"Glyph of Unstable Earth",41518:"Glyph of Chain Lightning",41524:"Glyph of Spirit Walk",41526:"Glyph of Capacitor Totem",41527:"Glyph of Purge",41529:"Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem",41530:"Glyph of Fire Nova",41532:"Glyph of Wind Shear",41533:"Glyph of Healing Stream Totem",41537:"Glyph of the Lakestrider",41538:"Glyph of Grounding Totem",41540:"Glyph of Lava Lash",41552:"Glyph of Chaining",41541:"Glyph of Water Shield",41542:"Glyph of Cleansing Waters",44923:"Glyph of Thunderstorm",42453:"Glyph of Hand of Gul'dan",42454:"Glyph of Conflagrate",42456:"Glyph of Verdant Spheres",42457:"Glyph of Nightmares",42459:"Glyph of Felguard",42461:"Glyph of Health Funnel",42463:"Glyph of Subtlety",42465:"Glyph of Imp Swarm",42466:"Glyph of Havoc",42467:"Glyph of Shadow Bolt",42470:"Glyph of Soulstone",42472:"Glyph of Unstable Affliction",42473:"Glyph of Falling Meteor",43316:"Glyph of Aquatic Form",43334:"Glyph of the Chameleon",43331:"Glyph of Blooming",43332:"Glyph of Grace",43335:"Glyph of Charm Woodland Creature",43355:"Glyph of Aspect of the Pack",43356:"Glyph of Stampede",43338:"Glyph of Revive Pet",43350:"Glyph of Lesser Proportion",43351:"Glyph of Fireworks",43359:"Glyph of Conjure Familiar",43364:"Glyph of Arcane Language",43365:"Glyph of Contemplation",43366:"Glyph of Winged Vengeance",43340:"Glyph of the Mounted King",43368:"Glyph of Seal of Blood",43369:"Glyph of Fire From the Heavens",43342:"Glyph of Shadow Ravens",43371:"Glyph of Borrowed Time",43373:"Glyph of Shackle Undead",43374:"Glyph of Dark Archangel",43379:"Glyph of Blurred Speed",43376:"Glyph of Distract",43377:"Glyph of Pick Lock",43343:"Glyph of Pick Pocket",43378:"Glyph of Safe Fall",43380:"Glyph of Poisons",43381:"Glyph of Astral Recall",43385:"Glyph of Far Sight",43386:"Glyph of the Spectral Wolf",43388:"Glyph of Totemic Encirclement",43389:"Glyph of Unending Breath",43390:"Glyph of Soul Consumption",43393:"Glyph of Enslave Demon",43391:"Glyph of Eye of Kilrogg",43394:"Glyph of Soulwell",43395:"Glyph of Mystic Shout",43396:"Glyph of Bloodcurdling Shout",43398:"Glyph of Gushing Wound",43399:"Glyph of Unending Rage",43400:"Glyph of Mighty Victory",43725:"Glyph of Ghost Wolf",43826:"Glyph of Outbreak",43827:"Glyph of Corpse Explosion",43869:"Glyph of Immediate Truth",45735:"Glyph of Mirrored Blades",45778:"Glyph of Totemic Vigor",45785:"Glyph of Life Tap",45789:"Glyph of Crimson Banish",45733:"Glyph of Master's Call",45793:"Glyph of Victorious Throw",45623:"Glyph of Barkskin",45740:"Glyph of Deep Freeze",45622:"Glyph of Cyclone",45760:"Glyph of Binding Heal",45768:"Glyph of Disguise",45775:"Glyph of Deluge",45776:"Glyph of Shamanistic Rage",45804:"Glyph of Death Coil",45601:"Glyph of Survival Instincts",45602:"Glyph of Wild Growth",45731:"Glyph of Tranquilizing Shot",45738:"Glyph of Illusion",45741:"Glyph of Beacon of Light",45755:"Glyph of Leap of Faith",45758:"Glyph of Mind Spike",45761:"Glyph of Vendetta",45762:"Glyph of Killing Spree",45771:"Glyph of Feral Spirit",45772:"Glyph of Riptide",45790:"Glyph of Wind and Thunder",45792:"Glyph of Death From Above",45799:"Glyph of Dancing Rune Weapon",45800:"Glyph of Dark Simulacrum",45806:"Glyph of Tranquil Grip",45795:"Glyph of Spell Reflection",45769:"Glyph of Cloak of Shadows",45732:"Glyph of Aspect of the Cheetah",45604:"Glyph of Stampeding Roar",45757:"Glyph of Focused Mending",45783:"Glyph of Unending Resolve",45794:"Glyph of Intimidating Shout",45782:"Glyph of Demonic Circle",49084:"Glyph of Thunder Strike",50045:"Glyph of Counterspell",50077:"Glyph of Eternal Resolve",63539:"Glyph of Inferno Blast",64493:"Glyph of Blind",67486:"Glyph of the Predator",67483:"Glyph of Recklessness",63420:"Glyph of Vanish",68039:"Glyph of the Treant",63416:"Glyph of Rapid Teleportation",66918:"Glyph of Protector of the Innocent",77101:"Glyph of Shadow",80581:"Glyph of Focused Wrath",80584:"Glyph of the Falling Avenger",80585:"Glyph of Righteous Retreat",80586:"Glyph of Bladed Judgment",80587:"Glyph of Crow Feast",80588:"Glyph of Burning Anger",87880:"Glyph of Nimble Brew",87897:"Glyph of Paralysis",87895:"Glyph of Life Cocoon",87900:"Glyph of Touch of Karma",87894:"Glyph of Leer of the Ox",87899:"Glyph of Detox",87893:"Glyph of Fortifying Brew",87901:"Glyph of Detoxing",87890:"Glyph of Zen Flight",87889:"Glyph of Water Roll",87881:"Glyph of Crackling Tiger Lightning",87882:"Glyph of Flying Serpent Kick",87883:"Glyph of Honor",87884:"Glyph of Jab",87885:"Glyph of Rising Tiger Kick",87887:"Glyph of Spirit Roll",87888:"Glyph of Fighting Pose",81956:"Glyph of the Battle Healer",83107:"Glyph of Mass Exorcism",85221:"Glyph of the Blazing Trail",85683:"Glyph of Aspect of the Beast",85691:"Glyph of Guard",85695:"Glyph of Zen Meditation",85696:"Glyph of Renewing Mist",85699:"Glyph of Surging Mist",85700:"Glyph of Touch of Death",84652:"Glyph of Transcendence",79513:"Glyph of Mind Flay",79515:"Glyph of Vampiric Embrace",79514:"Glyph of Shadow Word: Death",79538:"Glyph of the Heavens",86541:"Glyph of Confession",87276:"Glyph of Holy Resurrection",87277:"Glyph of the Val'kyr",87392:"Glyph of Shadowy Friends",87393:"Glyph of Fetch",87902:"Glyph of Lightwell",89868:"Glyph of the Cheetah",90715:"Glyph of Blackout Kick",93202:"Glyph of Gateway Attunement",104046:"Glyph of Swift Death",104048:"Glyph of Regenerative Magic",104050:"Glyph of Divine Shield",104051:"Glyph of Hand of Sacrifice",104052:"Glyph of Purging",104099:"Glyph of the Skeleton",104102:"Glyph of the Sprouting Mushroom",104103:"Glyph of One with Nature",104104:"Glyph of the Unbound Elemental",104105:"Glyph of Evaporation",104106:"Glyph of Condensation",104107:"Glyph of the Exorcist",104108:"Glyph of Pillar of Light",104109:"Glyph of Angels",104120:"Glyph of the Sha",104122:"Glyph of Inspired Hymns",104123:"Glyph of Headhunting",104124:"Glyph of Improved Distraction",104126:"Glyph of Spirit Raptors",104127:"Glyph of Lingering Ancestors",104127:"Glyph of Spirit Wolf",104129:"Glyph of Flaming Serpent",104130:"Glyph of the Compy",104131:"Glyph of Elemental Familiars",104133:"Glyph of Astral Fixation",104134:"Glyph of Rain of Frogs",104135:"Glyph of the Raging Whirlwind",104136:"Glyph of the Subtle Defender",104137:"Glyph of the Watchful Eye",104138:"Glyph of the Weaponmaster",104270:"Glyph of the Lean Pack",104276:"Glyph of Enduring Deceit",110800:"Glyph of Absorb Magic",110801:"Glyph of Ice Reaper",110803:"Glyph of Empowerment",110805:"Glyph of Raise Ally",110806:"Glyph of Rune Tap",110807:"Glyph of Runic Power",110800:"Glyph of Astral Communion",110809:"Glyph of Imbued Bark",110810:"Glyph of Enchanted Bark",110812:"Glyph of Ninth Life",110813:"Glyph of Celestial Alignment",110814:"Glyph of Nature's Cure",110815:"Glyph of Maim",110816:"Glyph of Savagery",110817:"Glyph of Moonwarding",110818:"Glyph of Travel",110819:"Glyph of Play Dead",110821:"Glyph of Quick Revival",110822:"Glyph of Snake Trap",110824:"Glyph of Dragon's Breath",110825:"Glyph of Regenerative Ice",110826:"Glyph of Expel Harm",110827:"Glyph of Floating Butterfly",110828:"Glyph of Flying Serpent",110829:"Glyph of Keg Smash",110830:"Glyph of Renewed Tea",110832:"Glyph of Freedom Roll",110833:"Glyph of Soothing Mist",110834:"Glyph of Zen Focus",110835:"Glyph of Ardent Defender",110836:"Glyph of Consecrator",110837:"Glyph of Divine Wrath",110838:"Glyph of Liberator",110839:"Glyph of Hand of Freedom",110841:"Glyph of Free Action",110842:"Glyph of Delayed Coalescence",110843:"Glyph of Guardian Spirit",110844:"Glyph of Restored Faith",110845:"Glyph of Miraculous Dispelling",110846:"Glyph of Inquisitor",110847:"Glyph of Silence",110848:"Glyph of Spirit of Redemption",110849:"Glyph of Shadow Magic",110850:"Glyph of Energy",110851:"Glyph of Elusiveness",110852:"Glyph of Energy Flows",110853:"Glyph of Disappearance",110854:"Glyph of Ephemeral Spirits",110855:"Glyph of Ghostly Speed",110856:"Glyph of Grounding",110857:"Glyph of Lava Spread",110858:"Glyph of Reactive Shielding",110859:"Glyph of Shamanistic Resolve",110860:"Glyph of Shocks",110861:"Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus",110862:"Glyph of Spiritwalker's Aegis",110864:"Glyph of Dark Soul",110866:"Glyph of Life Pact",110867:"Glyph of Metamorphosis",110868:"Glyph of Shadowflame",110869:"Glyph of Soul Swap",110871:"Glyph of Strengthened Resolve",110872:"Glyph of Cleave",110873:"Glyph of Drawn Sword",110874:"Glyph of Heroic Leap",110875:"Glyph of Mocking Banner",110876:"Glyph of Raging Blow",110877:"Glyph of Rallying Cry",110878:"Glyph of Shattering Throw",110879:"Glyph of Flawless Defense",118573:"Glyph of the Flapping Owl",120300:"Glyph of the Shapemender",118063:"Glyph of Cleanse",118060:"Glyph of Flying Fists",118064:"Glyph of Purification",118062:"Glyph of Purify Spirit",118061:"Glyph of the Solstice",127136:"Glyph of Ascendance"};
var re = /\["i:(\d+)"\] = (\d+)/gmi;
var count = 0;
var glyphs = [];

var lineReader = require('readline').createInterface({
  // Your wow path and tradeskill master item db.
  input: require('fs').createReadStream('D:\\WOW\\World of Warcraft\\WTF\\Account\\<YOURACCOUNTNAME>\\SavedVariables\\TradeSkillMaster.lua')

lineReader.on('line', function (line,last) {
        var m;
        while ((m = re.exec(line)) !== null) {
            if (m.index === re.lastIndex) re.lastIndex++;
            if(all[m[1]]!==undefined) delete all[m[1]];


lineReader.on('close', (cmd) => {
        console.log(`${Object.keys(all).length} Glyph Missing`);
        for (var item in all) console.log(all[item]);

After installing nodejs you can run

node glyph.js
And output will be like;


6 Glyph Missing
Glyph of the Stag
Glyph of Chain Lightning
Glyph of Weakened Soul
Glyph of Spirit of Redemption
Glyph of Scourge Imprisonment
Glyph of Splitting Ice

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