HS account stats:
Free: 118/118
Common: 726/730
Rare: 394/436
Epic: 117/244
Legendary: 50/113
Minion: 913/1083
Ability: 451/506
Weapon: 41/52
Druid: 97/110
Hunter: 89/111
Mage: 95/110
Paladin: 95/110
Priest: 92/110
Rogue: 96/110
Shaman: 91/110
Warlock: 95/110
Warrior: 98/110
Neutral: 557/650
27 cardbacks
total level 414
+ WoW acc everything till WOD
6 lvl 100
19305 achievements
215 mounts
lots of unobtainable stuff
+ Overwatch preorder origins
Lots of time and money spent here, so i'm waiting on a fair deal,
Free: 118/118
Common: 726/730
Rare: 394/436
Epic: 117/244
Legendary: 50/113
Minion: 913/1083
Ability: 451/506
Weapon: 41/52
Druid: 97/110
Hunter: 89/111
Mage: 95/110
Paladin: 95/110
Priest: 92/110
Rogue: 96/110
Shaman: 91/110
Warlock: 95/110
Warrior: 98/110
Neutral: 557/650
27 cardbacks
total level 414
+ WoW acc everything till WOD
6 lvl 100
19305 achievements
215 mounts
lots of unobtainable stuff
+ Overwatch preorder origins
Lots of time and money spent here, so i'm waiting on a fair deal,