Currently Gold League of Legends account.
Will provide e-mail address with account and proof that i cannot recover the account
20-22 LP per win
8 rune pages( almost all runes)
all champs
5k IP
Goth Annie
Red riding Annie
Zombie Brand
Mr. Mudoverse
Victorious Elise
Frosted Ezreal
TPA Ezreal
Warring Kingdoms J4
Slay Belle Katarina
Pool Party Lee Sin
Iron Solari Leona
Winter Wonder Lulu
Shadow Prince Malz
TPPA Orianna
Bloodfury Renekton
Arcade Sona
Pickpocket Twitch
Blood Moon Kalista
Dunkmaster Darius
Galactic Azir
Project Yasuo
Night Hunter Rengar
Void Fizz
Hired Gun Lucian
Striker Lucian
Spirit Guard Udyr
Shockblade Zed
Oktoberfest Gragas
Augmented Singed
Soul Reaver Draven
Mafia Miss Fortune
Pentakill Karthus
Renegade Talon
Artic Warfare Caitlyn
Full Metal Pantheon
Firefang Warwick
Surfer Singed
Spelltheif Lux
Bandito Fiddlesticks
Shadow Evelynn
Galactic Nasus
Frosted Ez
TPA Shen
Might have more couldn't load all data.
Let me know if you have any other questions!!
Looking to get around 100 bones
Will provide e-mail address with account and proof that i cannot recover the account
20-22 LP per win
8 rune pages( almost all runes)
all champs
5k IP
Goth Annie
Red riding Annie
Zombie Brand
Mr. Mudoverse
Victorious Elise
Frosted Ezreal
TPA Ezreal
Warring Kingdoms J4
Slay Belle Katarina
Pool Party Lee Sin
Iron Solari Leona
Winter Wonder Lulu
Shadow Prince Malz
TPPA Orianna
Bloodfury Renekton
Arcade Sona
Pickpocket Twitch
Blood Moon Kalista
Dunkmaster Darius
Galactic Azir
Project Yasuo
Night Hunter Rengar
Void Fizz
Hired Gun Lucian
Striker Lucian
Spirit Guard Udyr
Shockblade Zed
Oktoberfest Gragas
Augmented Singed
Soul Reaver Draven
Mafia Miss Fortune
Pentakill Karthus
Renegade Talon
Artic Warfare Caitlyn
Full Metal Pantheon
Firefang Warwick
Surfer Singed
Spelltheif Lux
Bandito Fiddlesticks
Shadow Evelynn
Galactic Nasus
Frosted Ez
TPA Shen
Might have more couldn't load all data.
Let me know if you have any other questions!!
Looking to get around 100 bones