Anonymous Level 85 Orc Hunter Profile |
Removed mounts , Removed titles and Removed toys .
It has many removed weapons from ZG . only 1 Eskhander fist & 1 Warblade .
Brewfest Mugs Blue and Green
Removed hunter Quest staff and Bow
Balebrew charm trinket and tiny Voodoo and couple more on use trinkets that can summon adds .
Lots and lots of sets and gear . removed and existing gear .
Had this account for more than 5 years , so far it didnt get recalled but I lost the SA somewhere when i lost interest in the game back then .
Got the original and the only email registered on the account , might find an expired ID but I think its useless .
Its doing nothing and it doesn't interest me any more , will take offers ONLY from well repped members and verified members ONLY .
For the right price might also add 200-300k Gold for a new start .
PM with offers only .
Removed mounts , Removed titles and Removed toys .
It has many removed weapons from ZG . only 1 Eskhander fist & 1 Warblade .
Brewfest Mugs Blue and Green
Removed hunter Quest staff and Bow
Balebrew charm trinket and tiny Voodoo and couple more on use trinkets that can summon adds .
Lots and lots of sets and gear . removed and existing gear .
Had this account for more than 5 years , so far it didnt get recalled but I lost the SA somewhere when i lost interest in the game back then .
Got the original and the only email registered on the account , might find an expired ID but I think its useless .
Its doing nothing and it doesn't interest me any more , will take offers ONLY from well repped members and verified members ONLY .
For the right price might also add 200-300k Gold for a new start .
PM with offers only .