just found a very nice spot in Zangamarsh (Serpent Lake) to level up very quickly.The mobs are called "Mudfin Frenzy" and have about 1,3k HP but give the full xp like a 3,4,5k Mob and they respawn fast , you just swim around and dot everything with Corruption and be sure to spec Affliction for the selfheal.
You can make a full level within 20-30 minutes EDIT: you can continue this till lvl 69 but it takes like 45-60 mins per level
Don't waste your time with looting just keep on swimming and keep on dotting so you have less downtimes and faster xp.
Use your Unending Breath Glyph for more swim speed.
Use Corruption only and spam dark pact when you go oom ( be sure to put 2 points into improved felhunter so he don't runs out of mana).
Have fun
just found a very nice spot in Zangamarsh (Serpent Lake) to level up very quickly.The mobs are called "Mudfin Frenzy" and have about 1,3k HP but give the full xp like a 3,4,5k Mob and they respawn fast , you just swim around and dot everything with Corruption and be sure to spec Affliction for the selfheal.
You can make a full level within 20-30 minutes EDIT: you can continue this till lvl 69 but it takes like 45-60 mins per level
Don't waste your time with looting just keep on swimming and keep on dotting so you have less downtimes and faster xp.
Use your Unending Breath Glyph for more swim speed.
Use Corruption only and spam dark pact when you go oom ( be sure to put 2 points into improved felhunter so he don't runs out of mana).
Have fun