I stopped play blizzard games a few month ago, and so now i sell my Battlenet account.
This includes :
The main wow account has :
The 2 others wow account has no chars.
The main wow account has 10 chars (They are all ally and on French server):
-Priest lvl 100 ilvl 693
Level 100 Human Priest | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory
-Priest lvl 93
-Priest lvl 94
-Priest lvl 92
-Priest lvl 90
-Warrior lvl 90
-Dk lvl 90
-Priest lvl 90
-Warlock lvl 90
-Hunter lvl 90
-Mage lvl 100
17660 achievements and a lots of greats Fos.
660+ pets
231+ mounts
Lots of titles.
It also has :
-Diablo 3 with every expansion and some great chars.
-Stacraft 2 with first and second expansion.
-Starcraft 1 with every expansion.
-Heroes of the storm ready for ranked.
Add me on skype for more information.
I am the owner of this account.
My skype is : Game.onaya
I stopped play blizzard games a few month ago, and so now i sell my Battlenet account.
This includes :

The main wow account has :

The 2 others wow account has no chars.
The main wow account has 10 chars (They are all ally and on French server):
-Priest lvl 100 ilvl 693
Level 100 Human Priest | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory
-Priest lvl 93
-Priest lvl 94
-Priest lvl 92
-Priest lvl 90
-Warrior lvl 90
-Dk lvl 90
-Priest lvl 90
-Warlock lvl 90
-Hunter lvl 90
-Mage lvl 100
17660 achievements and a lots of greats Fos.
660+ pets
231+ mounts
Lots of titles.
It also has :
-Diablo 3 with every expansion and some great chars.
-Stacraft 2 with first and second expansion.
-Starcraft 1 with every expansion.
-Heroes of the storm ready for ranked.
Add me on skype for more information.
I am the owner of this account.
My skype is : Game.onaya