Hi there.I'm willing to sell my WoW account after 8 years of play. So here is what i have on my account . Enjoy .
4 important characters - rogue level 100 / ilvl 730 -pvp (dps) Dragonlordbo @ Hellfire - Community - World of Warcraft
- druid level 100 / ilvl 730 -pvp (dps/healer) Scarmid @ Kazzak - Community - World of Warcraft
- dk level 96 / ilvl 575 - pve (tank) Bogdan @ Kazzak - Community - World of Warcraft
- priest level 91 / ilvl 487-pve (healer) Oaie @ Kazzak - Community - World of Warcraft
---11650 Achiv Points
---4 pve Ahead of the Curve : Lei shen ,Sha of fear , Grand Empress , Will of the emperor ,Garrosh Hellscream
---50 k Honorable kills achiv
-- You can check for more achiv. in the armories.
51 Mounts . Proud owner of the following TCG mounts:
-Swift Spectral Tiger
-Spectral Tiger
-Battle Bear
-Magic Rooster
-Amani Dragonhawk
-X-51 Nether Rocket X-treme
Other Mounts can be checked on the armories.
39 titles.
Almost all Pve titles From Lich King till Warlods.
Other less important titles:
--- Legend Of Pandaria
--- Southsore Slayer
--- The Manslayer
--- Scourge Of Kaldorei
--- Of the Ashen Verdict
--- Jenkins
--- Bloodsail Admiral
--- Assisant Professor
Also the titles can be check on the armories.
If you want to contact me , here is my e-mail adress : bogdanmerlusca14@gmail.com
Don't hesitate to ask question , I'll happilly answer them all and provide you with all the info's needed.
Have a nice day !
Asking price is around 1500 $ but if you are polite and nice i am willing to drop to 50%.
4 important characters - rogue level 100 / ilvl 730 -pvp (dps) Dragonlordbo @ Hellfire - Community - World of Warcraft
- druid level 100 / ilvl 730 -pvp (dps/healer) Scarmid @ Kazzak - Community - World of Warcraft
- dk level 96 / ilvl 575 - pve (tank) Bogdan @ Kazzak - Community - World of Warcraft
- priest level 91 / ilvl 487-pve (healer) Oaie @ Kazzak - Community - World of Warcraft
---11650 Achiv Points
---4 pve Ahead of the Curve : Lei shen ,Sha of fear , Grand Empress , Will of the emperor ,Garrosh Hellscream
---50 k Honorable kills achiv
-- You can check for more achiv. in the armories.
51 Mounts . Proud owner of the following TCG mounts:
-Swift Spectral Tiger
-Spectral Tiger
-Battle Bear
-Magic Rooster
-Amani Dragonhawk
-X-51 Nether Rocket X-treme
Other Mounts can be checked on the armories.
39 titles.
Almost all Pve titles From Lich King till Warlods.
Other less important titles:
--- Legend Of Pandaria
--- Southsore Slayer
--- The Manslayer
--- Scourge Of Kaldorei
--- Of the Ashen Verdict
--- Jenkins
--- Bloodsail Admiral
--- Assisant Professor
Also the titles can be check on the armories.
If you want to contact me , here is my e-mail adress : bogdanmerlusca14@gmail.com
Don't hesitate to ask question , I'll happilly answer them all and provide you with all the info's needed.
Have a nice day !
Asking price is around 1500 $ but if you are polite and nice i am willing to drop to 50%.