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[WTS] ★★★ HI5 MODERATOR ★★★ Heroic Archimonde Kill + Grove Warden mount EU 25€ / $59 US ★★★


Special offer for a limited time only!


Get Archimonde Kill Achiev on Heroic + Grove Warden mount for only:

25€ on EU (Horde)
$ on US (H & A)

Got questions? add us on skype:


Our Vouches:


Originally Posted by JD View Post
I got to try out HI5's service and it was awesome. He got me to 84 and 99% in no-time and I got to request everything I wanted for him to use (Can you quest? Can you now to WSG? Can you install this monitor plugin? etc.) and he was always friendly about it. I even woke him up once, he didn't cry about it, he just changed the mode on my char and answered my questions.


Originally Posted by 2dgreengiant View Post
Amazing job, got me pve and pvp sets all in 4 days. Awesome and great guy will be using again :D


Originally Posted by JD View Post
AAAAAAAAAAAH I can't vouch for this guy enough! I just got my entire PVE and PVP sets from him and holy crap was he fast. I'm now ready to raid and do RBGs again. This might just be the best service on OwnedCore at the moment. Thanks HI5!

News Correspondent:

Originally Posted by Relican View Post
I was going to think up a guide to post so I could get the reputation needed to +rep Hi5, and decided I'd write a guide on leveling Archeology, however, after thinking about it for a while, this is all I can think of...

How to level Archeology:
1: Make contact with Hi5.
2: Pay him
3: Give account details, wait a couple of days.

In all seriousness, though, this guy is amazing! He began working immediately after I asked him to last night and managed to get me well over halfway through archeology in just one night (Not to mention by pure luck he got the only archeology items I thought sounded cool to have)! Honestly, I feel the work he did in just one night is worth the money I paid.
I can't overstate how happy I am with his services. I definitely suggest Hi5 and his services to anyone in the market, and will surely use him in future WoW endeavors.
Thank you.

Edit: There's no mention of the achievements/titles you're also bound to obtain during his services. I did not expect any of those; just one more thing I'm happy about here.


Originally Posted by Relican View Post
Check the timestamps on my last two posts in this thread. I ordered service at about 30 minutes after my first post. I just woke up, and they are done. Very satisfied! Thank you. :)


Originally Posted by Confucius View Post
HI5 has a great service and leveled my priest then got him some gear, if you need some powerleveling I would go with him. He provided constant updates and was very fast as well. His prices are also very cheap!


Originally Posted by eSko View Post
HI5 is pure awesome!He got 5 (if I remember correctly) characters on my trial account to lvl 15, so I could skip the most boring part of making a twink!He is very professional and serious about his work and you can be sure you'll get what you paid for (or even more). If you need a powerleveling, HI5 is your man (at least he's mine!).He's fast, reliable and super awesome.Good luck and thank you for your great work so far, HI5!


Originally Posted by Confucius View Post
HI5 farmed full pvp gear for me except for the ones I already farmed, it was a very great service and he kept me up to date 26/7Items farmed:Vicious Gladiator's Plate Chestpiece - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 2200Vicious Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 1650Vicious Gladiator's Plate Legguards - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 2200Vicious Gladiator's Plate Shoulders - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 1650Vicious Gladiator's Bonegrinder - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 3400Vicious Gladiator's Bonegrinder - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 3400Vicious Gladiator's War Edge - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 700Vicious Gladiator's Armplates of Proficiency - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 1250Vicious Gladiator's Girdle of Cruelty - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 1650Vicious Gladiator's Insignia of Victory - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 1650Vicious Gladiator's Cloak of Prowess - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 1250Vicious Gladiator's Signet of Accuracy - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 1250Vicious Gladiator's Signet of Cruelty - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 1250Vicious Gladiator's Warboots of Cruelty - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 1650Vicious Gladiator's Choker of Accuracy - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 1250Arcanum of Vicious Strength - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 1000Greater Inscription of Vicious Strength - Item - World of Warcraft cost: 2000Total Honor Farmed: 29400Total Time: 3 daysTotal Cost: $20Cost in honor points from similar services: $29.4Great service and I recommend HI5 100%, I will definitely be using him for future services!


Originally Posted by Pr3cious View Post
Vouch for a legit and nice guy =D!


Originally Posted by OverLordErIcH View Post
Awesome service. Went to sleep with no proffesions, woke up went to school came back. 525 mining and herbalism ta da! HI5 is very polite and is reliable. Aproved



Originally Posted by CareyBizzle View Post
Just bought 77-85 with Ruthless at the end for a nice and cheap amount. Very pleased with the price, will report back when it's done and a verdict.

Edit: Decided to take the PvE armor part as well, they were happy enough and it was so cheap for adding on I did it. Really professional and very polite too. Great stuff so far.
Edit 2: They've done 77-84 in a day flat, got a few pvp achievement. They're always around to answer questions. So far this has worked really well, will be recommending my friends to these folks.
Edit 3: Finished on Sunday as they promised. I even played for the majority of Wednesday and it was all good. Very happy with the service, very polite people to deal with. All in all a terrific service and will be back for more.


Originally Posted by NanaCry View Post


This guy rock, give him all your money ;p


Originally Posted by myran2 View Post
I was lucky enough to win free 70-85 leveling in a contest run by HI5. Literally, within 3 minutes of me confirming my order, he was already started. He leveled my warrior quickly with a mix of running instances, pvping, and normal questing (I think he did a bit of archeology too). He was very friendly in all of our conversations.
He is easily a 5/5 for me. I will totally use his services again!


Originally Posted by minifss View Post
Got my hunter to level 85 in no time! Would recommend Hi5 and his service to anyone!


Originally Posted by Scoops View Post
Ordered 1-90 powerleveling + Full honor gear + Herb/Mining. Here was my experience:

This was my second time ordering from HI5, the first was a much smaller order.

I was told it would take max 15 days it ended up taking just over half that time, I couldn't believe how fast he leveled my characters. Super flexible guy, I changed my order so many times, each time I would have totally understood if he had said no but he didn't even skip a beat and agreed to my ridiculous requests every time. Originally ordered 1-90 druid, had him switch to leveling a priest half way (priest was a few levels higher than what the druid was leveled to). I had him farm me some conquest instead of the small level gap between the druids, once again he was more than happy to do so even though that wasn't my original order. While leveling he also found a Hyacinthe Macaw and contacted me to see if I would rather sell it or learn it instead of just selling it to meet the gold obligation from the leveling package I bought. (I ended up asking him to just leave it in my bank)

Here's where I really knew he actually cared about my character, I already had full honor gear and was asking him to get me conquest points. *without* me asking he went and bought me a cool transmog set with the extra honor I got so I wouldn't sit at cap while getting conquest from wins. He had NO obligation to do that, I already all my normal honor gear it wasn't at all part of the job but he did it anyways.

He's online on skype 24/7, always answers quickly. Didn't mind when I wanted to log on the account to play.

Definitely some of the best customer service I've seen ANYWHERE let alone on Ownedcore.

I'll definitely be coming back here if I need more leveling done and I am recommending him to all my friends. A+++, thanks again for the fantastic service.



Originally Posted by bearsmack View Post
I ordered a 1-85 Power Overwhelming and a PvE/PvE set on another toon that was already 85. Let me just say, he did an amazing job with my toons. He got me lots of gold and achievements and ran LOTS of instances while leveling up. He even got me some transmog gear! Very recommended, don't hesitate. Especially with these prices (he's gone down since I used him!) you shouldn't even flinch at using his service! Incredibly happy.


Originally Posted by jlboybeamer View Post
Great service nothing to complain about. Very professional even got some bonus stuff :) Reccomended and I will surely buy again from this guy :)


Originally Posted by bearsmack View Post
Excellent power leveler, I cannot say enough good things. Stays in contact, answers questions quickly and with no fuss, does custom orders with no problem! I used for one 85, came back for a second, both with the Power Overwhelming package. Both toons had many pve and pvp achievements. 100% recommended and I can assure you that you will not be disappointed. I am very happy and plan on being back many more times for anything I need powerleveled!


Originally Posted by Scx View Post
AMAZING service, honestly, no competition. If other services (i.e powerlevelling webs and such) find out about this, they will do anything to stop him. Let's do a comparison shall we?Price: No comment. (For those who haven't seen the prices, 63$ for 1-85. Doesn't need any more info.)Speed: I've got to say, I've tried pretty much every top powerleveling site, and NOTHING compares to this.Support: No lousy "LIVE CHAT" services or anything, doesn't make you feel like it's a customer-employee chat, it's really friendly and he took my requests which would make a powerlevelling site blow the f up (I'm serious, ask him, I tell him to level diff chars every couple of seconds) AND HE DIDN'T EVEN COMPLAIN!!!!! Oh and I forgot to say, he answers instantly, not like these really slow live chat operators. He's also really friendly.Quality: Nothing less than the orders say, he always kept me updated, and no confirmation required. (i.e phone/email)The reason I posted this is because I felt like I had to, I've never seen such thing, it's really amazing, I've suffered for so long, and I feel like my pain is put to an end, and I've also annoyed him a lot with making him stop and levle other chars like a crazy driver xD Sorry hi5!Bottomline/conclusion put into a sentence: Other services don't compare to this one.


Originally Posted by iCxLegion View Post
Hi5 is amazing. He got one of my toons from 80-85 in like, two days, and had 4k gold leftover too :P. Very nice guy to talk to, and was very easy to request custom things, or to get char updates. tl;dr, this guy is amazing. Do all of your powerleveling stuff from him.


Originally Posted by Zasa View Post
This man is really legit! He leveled my mage in 4 days from lvl 70.Really nice guy to talk with and u can also ask all the time what u want.Definitely gonna do more bussiness with this nice guy. Thank u again!


Originally Posted by Crikety View Post
So there I was needing my ruthless gear to stomp some fools. Except I don't really have the time to do it myself. This guy right here got everything in 2 days for a very cheap price allthewhile getting the pieces I requested specifically whilst being courteous about everything. This is my now my go to guy, give him your business yo!


Originally Posted by eXp0 View Post
I ordered my warrior from 81 - 85 and full pvp set, which has brought me right up to speed with everyone else (almost) atm :).
The price is so cheap, its amazing! :)

During the time we had many convo's on skype, he was always there to answer anything i asked (no matter if it was about my char or not ^^) .

I'm very happy with the service i got and really cannot thank him enough, i can only wish him the best for the future and i will be using his services alot :).

Again , thanks! :)


Originally Posted by ska1di View Post
Best service ever! Ordered 80-85 with full pvp gear and it was rdy in 4days! Will be ordering more from him later!


Originally Posted by arppa View Post
This guy is phenomenal! In my opinion I don't have enough time to level up a character. I have work and loads of things to do besides playing computer games.. and of course a wife :D Thank god we have this guy. He's ridiculously cheap and incredibly fast and highly reliable. All I needed to do was to transfer some money and carry on business as usual. At the end of the week I had a 85 druid with a full pvp set! Shame you can't buy playing skills from this guy because I would do it in a heartbeat. I'll definitely gonna order some more in near future!



Originally Posted by Rawrking View Post
Contacted HI5 the other day, asking whether he could do some Power Leveling for me, along with gearing the character in as much PvE (+PvP) gear as possible; and my experience has been wonderful. HI5 is a great guy, pleasant to talk with and great service overall. If I had any questions regarding the progress of the leveling or gearing, he was always there to answer them.

Cheap, quick, reliable and pleasant.
- Couldn't have asked for more!


Originally Posted by Democides View Post
Ordered 1-525 Herbalism for the very cheap price of $8 and was done in about 10 hours. Very fast, very cheap, great friendly Customer Service, 5/5.


Originally Posted by caraddict View Post
Bought lvling package (82-85) and full pvp gear package from him. Estimated finish time was 6 days, it's now day 5, I'm lvl 85 and he's almost fully geared :) Will probably finish gearing tonight!
Excellent service, very friendly and always replies quick! Would recommend him!

Will be doing business again in the future :)


Originally Posted by wakesk8er02 View Post
Just did a full pvp gear farm for me, did it very fast and safe, i would use him without hesitation!!

highly recommended.


Originally Posted by Hukk3 View Post
Very nice service, took 2 & ½ days for full ruthless gear.


Originally Posted by youbashme View Post
what an awesome job! if youre looking for a good and fast botter hi5 is the best choice!!


Originally Posted by Mitnick View Post
;) ordered 80-85, got it in 3 days. The contact is amazing, he reply instantly every time you ask him something. I 100% recommend his services, the professionalism is top notch.


Originally Posted by Woland View Post
This. Guy. Is. Amazing.

I bought leveling 81-85 + ruthless set + profession lvling: everything was done fast and smoothly, HI5 was always online to answer my questions and keep me updated, even on christmas day :D
Best prices i found on the internet (i tried many services like this, trust me), nice and honest guy to talk to, even left me tons of materials to sell after the job was done.

I GREATLY recommed HI5 and i'll definitely be purchasing from him for future services! :D


Originally Posted by eXp0 View Post
Ordered Paladin 1-85 , Shaman 1-85 and DK 55-85 ... Great service and really if your going to order powerleveling.. use your head, HI5 it all the way ;)

thanks again


Originally Posted by Killerar View Post
Great response from initial time of contact, was very helpful and answered all the questions I had about the service.
Once the service was undertaken my messages were always replied to and it was a general pleasure to deal with HI5.
Will use again in the near future, thanks HI5!


Originally Posted by hoobahunter View Post
ordered full ruthless for my hunter... estimated time was 3 days he was allready finished after 2days + a couple of hours ... great communication great prices and absolutley trustworthy


Originally Posted by Vaskebjørnen View Post
Just wanted to make a small review of my last order from this lil' fella.
I ordered the whole package - 1-85, flyer, 5k gold, mining + herb @ 525, and FULL pvp set.
I was the first customer to take this package, and therefore he gave me a 5 dollar discount - HI5 1-0 Other powerlevelers.
So we chatted a bit, and I decided to make a paladin, which he should level. He spent the first few hours farming for heirlooms, which I haven't expirienced before. Even though he spent almost a day doing this, I assume it was faster, than to level without. HI5 2-0 Other powerlevelers
He started leveling the paladin, and after a few days I could see that he had done this lot's of times before. Using amazing profiles, which both entered battlegrounds, instances and did quests. Other powerlevelers I've used just farmed the same mobs, and not gaining better gear in any way. HI5 3-0 Other powerlevelers
Reaching lvl 85 slowly, I decided that I wanted to play my paladin as retribution. HI5 had slowly exchanged honor points to justice points, so that I would be capped in both as soon as he reached lvl 85, to make the farming process there even shorter.
A little less than 2 weeks after I placed my order he was finished. I ended up with 10k, even though I was promised 5k, epic flyer, herb and mining at 525 and full pvp gear. Basicly my character was ready to play from scratch, just needed to fix bindings and UI. HI5 10-0 Other powerlevelers.

If I ever need some powerleveling done, it will be from this guy. He's amazing, fast and incredibly funny - We've have some good laughs on msn atleast.

Btw - Get on msn, I want to use my prize!

HI5 - Probably the best powerleveler on Mmowned.


Originally Posted by Vaskebjørnen View Post
Great service mate - +rep once again!


Originally Posted by 911 View Post
HI5, did a good job leveling my toon from 40-60 and in good time also, i will recommend him to everybody :)


Originally Posted by caraddict View Post
Ordered another Full pvp Ruthless gearing! Very happy, order completed very quickly!
If I ever get another powelevel, it would definitely be from him! He's always friendly on skype and replies very quick :)
Absolutely no complaints!

Thanks again :D


Originally Posted by Hyhhh8 View Post
HI5 is so good he would make you want to give him a HI6 XD He replies extremely quick and is very organised and is just amazing! Recommend this and you should 100% use him. He is so quick for Powerleveling and for BGs! Thank you so much HI5 you are awesome! +rep :D


Originally Posted by S3R14L View Post
i bought with him a 2weeks ago -> "Power overwhelming!" 99 $ (9 $ donated to ownedcore)lvl 1-85Full Ruthless gladiator's set (All slots!)herbalism + mining 525 lvl280% ridingGold 7000 +Lots of achievements
yesterday him finish..
85, FULL PVP , herbalist , mining , mount, all skills, 8000+ gold ( and nodes and herbs alot ), and archevs...
all time him inform lvl and others..
Awesome Guy, i bought again soon..

Thanks for service mate!


Originally Posted by Master674 View Post
Top service, everything went flawless.

Ordered 55-85 powerleveling :)


Originally Posted by YayaG View Post
He is very good he does it quick and cheap. A++


Originally Posted by shorty6boy1 View Post
Ordered 70-85 from HI5, 5days ago now. Can't express how happy I am with his service. Not only did he get me to 85 in the 5days he promised (Sick queues on my server, so this might actually even be faster for some people!) But he also capped my honor AND justicepoints; which left me with 3 390ilvl items upon ding.
Will not hasitate a second about using this lad again. Great guy, good service, on skype pretty much 20hrs aday...What more can u ask for.
Thanks again, HI5, and good luck! :)


Originally Posted by hallowedmessiah View Post
First time ever ordering any sort of service, and I am 100% satisfied. I ordered 1-85, full pvp and justice gear and 1-525 Herbalism. This guy gave updates all the time and answered any questions I had. My account was basically fresh and he did 1-85 without any heirloom gear and still did it at with a great time. He also let me change Herbaslism to Skinning which was nice. I would definently reccomend this guy to any person that wants any sort of botting service. I will definently go to him again if I need any services. Thanks again:cool:


Originally Posted by Shaula View Post
Just had a lvl 80-85 service finished and was really impressed. Plenty of achievements, a good deal of gold and very helpful when I was chatting to him.

If I need another character levelled, I'll be happy to use him again :)

!Scam Prevention!

member that we will NEVER add you first on skype (under any circumstances!), do not trust anyone who added you first and is claiming to be us. Always use skype button in this thread to add us, this way you're 100% sure you're talking with HI5 Services.
If you got added by someone on skype first - don't even ask if it's us or not - you can be 100% sure it's a scammer. Please just go straight to this thread and report that person

And don't forget to use skype button below for 100% safe trade! :)

By contacting us you're accepting and agreeing to our ToS


All prices are in USD so pelase send payments in USD, not Canadian dollars, New Zeland dollars, Australlian dollars etc.

We're doing our best to keep your account safe, however you need to be aware that PowerLvling same botted as handdone carries slight risk of of ban and possibility of loosing your account.
You're using PowerLvling services at your own risk and by buying our services you agree to take all the responsibility for that. No returns in case of ban, only free unban service (we will advice you on what to write in the ticket, and inform you about anything we can find regarding bans during the time it happens, so we can hopefully get the account unbanned).

We will not buy you a new account nor pay for your gametime incase of ban - we can however finish off your lvling service on any other of your / your friend's accounts or after your account gets unbanned. In most cases we will even thow few lvl's extra or give you some discoutn on your next order - simply because we care, but always remember that you're paying for our service being performed on your own account, and that mean's paying for our time spent on lvling your char.

Remember - this is botted service and even tho it's fairly rare - bans / suspensions can always happen, and this risk is only yours to take while purchasing botted service, thus botting on your account, which clearly is against WoW ToS (same as account sharing in the first place). This is also the main reason you're paying few times less than for hand leveling, so please remember that we will not take any complains if something happens to your account - if you're not willing to accept that, please look for hand leveled service.

Always make sure to give us exact char name, since login process is fully automated, and char name + realm are the only things that are being used for it. We will not check what class is char you want us to level if name is correct (for example if you'll mention you wanted a rogue and you give us name of your mage, we will level your mage). So please make sure to always give us char name for the char you want to be leveled.

If you're planning on logging in during service you have to let us know beforehand. Depending on how much and for how long you will want to log in, price will be higher than for regular order, because it's stretched over longer period of time, and that's one of the main factors when it comes to our pricing.

If you want to play on your account during our services (only available with purchase of appropriate package), you have to let us know about it at least 10 minutes before you're logging in and also let us know when you're logging off, so we can continue leveling (Always remember to let us know that we can continue, we won't log in until that's done, "I'm logging in for a sec / for a 10" etc means your acc will be off until the moment you tell us to log back in, no exceptions).

NEVER log in to your account when your char is offline without letting us know about it, because each offline time on your account is a part of our ban prevention system and it's not optional - if you'll log in when your char is offline without letting us know about it (so we can extend offline time) - you will likely get banned / suspended.

Please be aware that shuffling IP's during leveling services might theoretically increase ban chances, so you're doing it on your own responsibility. The time when you're playing on your account / we're not logged in after you're done playing is not included in ETA (every time you log in, we have to give your account extra offline time, so each login will slow down total leveling time significantly). we are not taking responsibility for any delays caused by stopping service to let you play on your account or any kind of mistakes that might have been caused by you logging in to your account.

Logging in to your acc during Conquest Cap services is strictly forbidden.

Conquest Cap services (does not include farming conquest in ashran which is botted) are done in 2s arena at low MMR, meaning your arena rating will be very low while farming is finished. Make sure you don't need your 2s rating before ordering.

Conquest cap service is not botted, however it is still not allowed by blizzard to let anyone play on your accoutn, especially to do arena for you, meaning they can still either ban your account for that or remove your points/gear at any time they are pleased.

For honor gear services we will usually spend all the conquest points we got during farming towards conquest gear, which in this case will replace honor gear piece.

WoW maintenance's and bot downtime after some patches are not included in ETA (that includes any daily quest services that will not be performed if bot is down, meaning days will be skipped and equal number of the days that had to be skipped will be added to the total time of daily service)

Challenge Mode Gold requirements:

-lvl 100
-630 ilvl
-20 Draenic Invisibility Potion (not needed for rogues, druids and mages)
-5 greater Draenic flasks and 80 Draenic potions (appropriate for your class)
(We can buy potions / flasks needed for you - 10k gold left on char will be needed)
-we might need to change your binds

We do not have dedicated chat support and not all of our employees speak English, which means that updates will be always given only during the shift of English-speaking employees.

Most of the times update requests are being handled in bundles, at least once every day, witch means you will almost never get an instant update, and at times it might take even longer than 24h if we're very busy / missed your message for some reason )in which case, after 24h have passed - feel free to ask for update again) - keep that in mind before ordering, especially if you're an inpatient person.

If for some reason you will change your password before service is done without letting us know about it, we will not attempt to contact you and see what happend. If you won't contact us within 10 days we will consider your service finished.

We are usually selling all green / blue items during lvling, if you got any green's / blue's you want to keep - put them to the bank. We're not taking any responsibility for lost of items in bags or on char, especially when bags are full or nearly full at start.

For Full PvP set service you have to leave enough gold for repairs on your char, if you won't - we'll take it from one of your different chars if we'll need to repair.

If you've ordered levelign service and your char doesn't have bags nor gold to get them - we will buy the bags using gold from one of your other chars.

If gold was not part of your order (not listed in the package you've purchased) we reserve the right to use some of the gold we farmed during leveling to buy heirlooms for your char, especially on multiple character orders that include low lvl chars.

We're usually replying to all requests / messages on skype, but please bare in mind we may not want to deal with certain people, be that their rude behavior on forums, shady info we found about them on the internet, rude behavior during their previous orders with us or other traders, us being loaded with orders or unicorns on the rainbow - we will not reply to 100% of requests / messages of people we're not currently dealing with if we don't want to. We will also not explain ourselves why we don't want to deal with certain people.
Think about HI5 services as a restaurant, not a fastfood place, using our services is a privilege not
a right.

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