On EU:
(Cenarius, GahzRilla, King Krush, Archmage Antonidas
Bolvar Fordragon, Tirion Fordring, VolJin, AnubArak
Lord Jaraxxus, MalGanis, Grommash Hellscream, Varian Wrynn
King Mukkla, Baron Rivendare, Old Murk Eye, Blingtron 3000
Feugen, Harrison Jones, Hemet Nesingwary, Loatheb
Stalagg, Cairne Bloodhoof, Emperor Thaurissan, Gazlowe
Gelbin Mekkatorque, Hogger, Justicar Trueheart, Maexxna
Sylvanas Windrunner, The Beast, The Black Knight, Toshley
Baron Geddon, Dr.Boom, Rend Blackhand, Troggzor the Earthinator
Chromaggus, Gruul, Kel'Thuzad, Ragnaros the Firelord
Sneeds old Shredder, Alexstrasza, Majordomo Executus
Malygos, Nefarian, Nozdormu, Ysera, The Mistcaller, Neptulon, Bolf Ramshield, Chillmaw)
Need more Information / Screenshots? Just PM me.
- Heroic Naxxramas
- Nefarian
- Darkspear
- Darnassus
- Ninjas!
- Cupcake
- Ragnaros
- Lunar New Year
- Maraad
- Gnomes
- Goblins
- Hallow's End
- Pirates!
- Icecrown
- Naxxramas
- Rainbow
- Black Temple
- Pandaria
- Galaxy Gifts
- Molten Core
- Legend
- Tournament Grounds
- Highmaul
- Exodar
Hero Levels & Wins
3200+ Ranked Wins & 950+ Arena Wins (+12 Wins Key).
Currently Rank 4 (Ranked 4 Chest at the end of this Season guaranteed)
3200+ Ranked Wins & 950+ Arena Wins (+12 Wins Key).
Currently Rank 4 (Ranked 4 Chest at the end of this Season guaranteed)
- Hunter 500/500 - Level 60
- Warlock 432/500 - Level 60
- Warrior 325/500 - Level 60
- Priest 268/500 - Level 60
- Druid 222/500 - Level 60
- Mage 212/500 - Level 60
- Paladin 175/500 - Level 60
- Rogue 145/500 - Level 60
- Shaman 122/500 - Level 50
52 Legendarys / 8000+ Dust / ~ 100 Golden Cards / All common and rare cards for Classic+GvG / Naxxramas + Blackrock Mountain
(Cenarius, GahzRilla, King Krush, Archmage Antonidas
Bolvar Fordragon, Tirion Fordring, VolJin, AnubArak
Lord Jaraxxus, MalGanis, Grommash Hellscream, Varian Wrynn
King Mukkla, Baron Rivendare, Old Murk Eye, Blingtron 3000
Feugen, Harrison Jones, Hemet Nesingwary, Loatheb
Stalagg, Cairne Bloodhoof, Emperor Thaurissan, Gazlowe
Gelbin Mekkatorque, Hogger, Justicar Trueheart, Maexxna
Sylvanas Windrunner, The Beast, The Black Knight, Toshley
Baron Geddon, Dr.Boom, Rend Blackhand, Troggzor the Earthinator
Chromaggus, Gruul, Kel'Thuzad, Ragnaros the Firelord
Sneeds old Shredder, Alexstrasza, Majordomo Executus
Malygos, Nefarian, Nozdormu, Ysera, The Mistcaller, Neptulon, Bolf Ramshield, Chillmaw)
Missing total (including LOE):
15/446 Commons
21/344 Rares
36/88 Legendarys.
15/446 Commons
21/344 Rares
36/88 Legendarys.
Need more Information / Screenshots? Just PM me.