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[WTS] Shaman 725 24445 ach,Swift Zulian Tiger,Invicible,Mimirons Head,Swift Spectral Tiger

Selling my battle net acc,i m original owner can provide all info about my acc(ID+CD KEYS+SQ)

24445 ach points
294 Mounts
601 Pets
1.600.000 golds on acc
Collectors Edition MOP
Collectors Edition WOD
73 Feats of Strenght
97+ Titles
80+ Exalted Reputations
7 Legendary items:Leg ring WOD,Valanyr,Hammer of ancient Kings-Shadowmourne-Sulfuras,Hand of Ragnaros-Thunderfury,Blesses Blade of the Windseeker-Thoridal,the Stars Fury-Dragonwrath,Terecgostas Rest
Proving Grounds:
Endless MOP Dps 30 wave (unobtainable)
Challange Modes MOP on 3 characters (unobtainable)
Brawlers Guild rand 8 WOD
Brawlers Guild rank 10 MOP+Rare deck(unobtainable)
Warlock Green fire q (unobtainable)
Old sets for x-mog
GUild bank with 7 tabs
And many more.....

Orc Shaman main character:Level 100 Orc Shaman | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory
PVE:725 item lvl
PVP:700 item lvl
8/8 Gold Challange WOD
9/9 Gold Challange MOP (unobtainable)13/13hc HFC,6/13M HFC-Engineering 600 and Blacksmithing 600
The Bloodthristy ach for 250,000 hk
Khan BG ach very rare
Hero of the Horde:Vicious+Ruthless
And many more...

Hunter lvl 100 9/9 MOP Challenge Mode (unobtainable),tier 3 Garrison,Leatherworking 700 Skinning 700
Warlock lvl 90 9/9 MOP Challenge Mode (unobtainable),Green fire FOS (unobtainable)
Paladin lvl 90
Death Knight lvl 90 aliance

Notable Tittles :
-The Bloodthristy
-Champion of the Naaru
-Hellscream's Downfall
-the Insane
-Arena Master
-Hero of the Horde
-The Undying

And many more.....

Notable Mounts:
-Swift Zulian Tiger (unobtainable)
-Swift razzashi raptor (unobtainable)
-Astral Cloud Serpent (Elegon mount)
-Swift Spectral Tiger
-Kor'kron Juggernaut
-Ashes of Al'ar
-Flametalon of Alysrazor
-Fiery Warhorse's Reins
-Phosphorescent Stone Drake
-Felfire Hawk
And many more....

There is many things about my acc i didnt mention here so for more information pls contact me on my Skype:green.monster35

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