Sq. Inc
With the prices of gold diminishing less players are willing to sell gold, which is causing an issue for us to meet our buyers demand. Enable to meet our buyers demands we have decided to offer more gold for bulk sales, to help boost our bottom line with more sales vs up front paying. We are offering up to .30/k for your world of warcraft gold when you sell to us in bulk.
Contact us on skype today!
Skype: Sq.Inc
With the prices of gold diminishing less players are willing to sell gold, which is causing an issue for us to meet our buyers demand. Enable to meet our buyers demands we have decided to offer more gold for bulk sales, to help boost our bottom line with more sales vs up front paying. We are offering up to .30/k for your world of warcraft gold when you sell to us in bulk.
Contact us on skype today!
Skype: Sq.Inc