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[WTS] BNET account with 2 banned WoW licenses and some good account-wide achieves/mounts

so, i'm selling my account.

some details about the account: there are 2 banned licenses, 1 is permanent and 1 is from the HB detection that triggered a bunch of 6 month bans.

the email says it expires on november the 13th, there are a couple toons on this acc that's scheduled for being unbanned:
couple twinks that range from 60 - 80 (60 warrior, 80 dk, 70 something mage) with some pretty decent twink gear (for 6 months ago), a level 90 shaman and a level 95 rogue.

but, the license isn't why i'm selling this BNET account. i'm selling this account because of the mounts on it, which can be accessed from any new or existing license on the account (currently 5 licenses plus PTR and starter: 1x MoP permbanned, 1x WoD tempbanned, 3x MoP no gametime. 2 of the MoP licenses are SoR's about 1-2 years old). http://puu.sh/kZkKS/e722e3c6f0.png

some notable mounts:
ashes of al'ar
vial of the sands (sandstone drake)
fossilized raptor
x-51 nether-rocket X-TREME (TCG)
rusted proto-drake
depleted-kyparium rocket
warlord's deathwheel
"for the alliance/horde" achievement mounts

warglaives of azzinoth (on permbanned acc, ach still account-wide)
ashes of al'ar
2k in 2s

account also has heroes of the storm and hearthstone (not sure if they are free).

looking for around $40 PP or BTC solely due to ashes of al'ar and the TCG mount.

PM me here or add me on skype: pubesonasoap


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