Hey evryone,
Since 1 week ago i purcharged i a game called Evolve some of u might know it and also know it requires alot from ur computer to run it smoothly.
I myself don't know alot about computers and therefore don't know the weaknesses in my desktop.
I think myself that my desktop has a few good aspects but also a couple of weak ones.
Im really not looking to buy a completely new computer but just upgrading my current.
The main purpose of my upgrade is to play Evolve on almost the best settings and atleast HD+ without frame lag.
Currently im not able to play evolve smoothly yet even on low graphics in both evolve and in nvidea settings i shoot almost twice as slow in comba and have trouble moving around quickly.
I've made some screenshots of my computer specifications to simplefy it for u guys.
I hope u guys can help me and thanks in advance:)
Adding link for imgur for a better vieuw:)
Since 1 week ago i purcharged i a game called Evolve some of u might know it and also know it requires alot from ur computer to run it smoothly.
I myself don't know alot about computers and therefore don't know the weaknesses in my desktop.
I think myself that my desktop has a few good aspects but also a couple of weak ones.
Im really not looking to buy a completely new computer but just upgrading my current.
The main purpose of my upgrade is to play Evolve on almost the best settings and atleast HD+ without frame lag.
Currently im not able to play evolve smoothly yet even on low graphics in both evolve and in nvidea settings i shoot almost twice as slow in comba and have trouble moving around quickly.
I've made some screenshots of my computer specifications to simplefy it for u guys.
I hope u guys can help me and thanks in advance:)
Adding link for imgur for a better vieuw:)