I am selling a level 60 mage -
Race: Male Gnome
Gear -
Helm: Netherwind Crown (tier 2)
Neck: Tempest tailsmen
Shoulder: Kentic Amice
Cloak: Stormpike Sage's cloak
Robe: Robe of Volatile Power and Arcaneist Robe (Tier 1)
Wrist: Dreadmist Bracers
Gloves: Hands of Power
Belt: Arcanist Belt (Tier 1)
Leggings: Arcanist Leggings (Tier 1)
Boots: Omnicast Boots
Rings: Songstone of Ironfore & Band of Unicorn
Trinkets: Briarwood Reed & Eye of the Beast
Weapon: Staff of Dominance (Epic staff from Molten Core)
Wand: Wand of Biting Cold
All attunements are complete
AV Exalted + Epic mount
Price: $500 USD
Accepting payment from Paypal or BTC/LTC/ETH
Contact on discord: mo_chains#0777
I am selling a level 60 mage -
Race: Male Gnome
Gear -
Helm: Netherwind Crown (tier 2)
Neck: Tempest tailsmen
Shoulder: Kentic Amice
Cloak: Stormpike Sage's cloak
Robe: Robe of Volatile Power and Arcaneist Robe (Tier 1)
Wrist: Dreadmist Bracers
Gloves: Hands of Power
Belt: Arcanist Belt (Tier 1)
Leggings: Arcanist Leggings (Tier 1)
Boots: Omnicast Boots
Rings: Songstone of Ironfore & Band of Unicorn
Trinkets: Briarwood Reed & Eye of the Beast
Weapon: Staff of Dominance (Epic staff from Molten Core)
Wand: Wand of Biting Cold
All attunements are complete
AV Exalted + Epic mount
Price: $500 USD
Accepting payment from Paypal or BTC/LTC/ETH
Contact on discord: mo_chains#0777