Account is Alliance on Windseeker
60 Paladin Attuned for MC/ONYX/BWL
Head: Judgement Crown
Neck: Tooth of Gnarr
Shoulder: Lead Surveyor's Mantle
Back: Gracious Cape
Chest: Lawbringer Chestguard
Bracer: Lawbringer Bracers
Gloves: Lawbringer Gauntlets
Waist: Feralsurge Girdle
Pants: Lawbringer Legplates
Feet: Lawbringer Boots
Ring: Cyclopean Band
Ring: Songstone of Ironforge
Trinket: Shard of Afrasa
Trinket: Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas
Weapon: Hammer of Grace
Shield: Gizlock's Hypertech Buckler
60 Priest Attuned for MC / ONYX
Head: Dreamweave Circlet
Amulet: Star of Mysteria
Shoulder: Sunderseer Mantle
Robe: Robes of the Royal Crown
Bracer: Devout Bracers
Gloves: Dreamweave Gloves
Belt: Thuzadin Sash
Pants: Leggings of Transcendence
Boots: Omnicast Boots
Ring: Band of Rumination
Ring: Songstone of Ironforge
Trinket: Eye of the Beast
Sword: Guiding Stave of Wisdom
Wand: Dragon Finger of Spirit
50 Mage as well
Contact me via Discord
Dad of Five 81#1761
60 Paladin Attuned for MC/ONYX/BWL
Head: Judgement Crown
Neck: Tooth of Gnarr
Shoulder: Lead Surveyor's Mantle
Back: Gracious Cape
Chest: Lawbringer Chestguard
Bracer: Lawbringer Bracers
Gloves: Lawbringer Gauntlets
Waist: Feralsurge Girdle
Pants: Lawbringer Legplates
Feet: Lawbringer Boots
Ring: Cyclopean Band
Ring: Songstone of Ironforge
Trinket: Shard of Afrasa
Trinket: Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas
Weapon: Hammer of Grace
Shield: Gizlock's Hypertech Buckler
60 Priest Attuned for MC / ONYX
Head: Dreamweave Circlet
Amulet: Star of Mysteria
Shoulder: Sunderseer Mantle
Robe: Robes of the Royal Crown
Bracer: Devout Bracers
Gloves: Dreamweave Gloves
Belt: Thuzadin Sash
Pants: Leggings of Transcendence
Boots: Omnicast Boots
Ring: Band of Rumination
Ring: Songstone of Ironforge
Trinket: Eye of the Beast
Sword: Guiding Stave of Wisdom
Wand: Dragon Finger of Spirit
50 Mage as well
Contact me via Discord
Dad of Five 81#1761