For a link to our Webshop for WoW Classic Gold, Accounts & Boosting. Please click on this link
I'd like to offer the following account:
Level 60 Tauren male shaman - Mankrik
All attunements
300 mining/herb
Rag helm, rest pretty much preraid enhancement.
Sulfuron hammer! (just need rag eye for hand of rag)
Epic mount, has about 1800 gold!
AV exalted
Bonus: level 120 on BFA
Are you looking for another WoW classic account instead? Check this link for my account shop!
Are you looking for WoW Classic gold? Check this link for my gold services
Are you looking for WoW Classic Powerleveling? Check this link for my powerleveling services
You wish to sell your WoW classic account? Check this link for my buying thread!
Accepting Paypal, Skrill & Cryptocurrencies
Interested? Dont hesitate to add me on Skype: Nostalriusgold
Don't have Skype? Feel free to send an email to:
Or add me on Discord : mmoprovider#8674
Currently there are many imposters on Discord and Skype. Please keep in mind we only sell through our webshop
Click on our Discord profile and make sure you see the following information:
Click on the Skype button to avoid imposters!

I'd like to offer the following account:
Level 60 Tauren male shaman - Mankrik
All attunements
300 mining/herb
Rag helm, rest pretty much preraid enhancement.
Sulfuron hammer! (just need rag eye for hand of rag)
Epic mount, has about 1800 gold!
AV exalted
Bonus: level 120 on BFA
Are you looking for another WoW classic account instead? Check this link for my account shop!
Are you looking for WoW Classic gold? Check this link for my gold services
Are you looking for WoW Classic Powerleveling? Check this link for my powerleveling services
You wish to sell your WoW classic account? Check this link for my buying thread!
Accepting Paypal, Skrill & Cryptocurrencies
Interested? Dont hesitate to add me on Skype: Nostalriusgold
Don't have Skype? Feel free to send an email to:
Or add me on Discord : mmoprovider#8674
Currently there are many imposters on Discord and Skype. Please keep in mind we only sell through our webshop
Click on our Discord profile and make sure you see the following information:

Click on the Skype button to avoid imposters!