Looking to sell my account , The Account has:
Game Time runs out on the 8th of March 2020
Armory - 120 lvl | 468 ilvl Blood Elf Paladin - Safe Armory
Heart level : 76
40 Unique Mounts
BFA + Legion Flying
Mythic+ - / 1.5k s2 score / 1.9k s3 score / 1.6k Current
Raid progression : Curved
73,000 SIMDPS
Alt Characters:
Rogue / Mage / Warrior
Price : 159.99
Feel free to PM me for contact or use discord @ michaelo#4620 for more information.
Game Time runs out on the 8th of March 2020
Armory - 120 lvl | 468 ilvl Blood Elf Paladin - Safe Armory
Heart level : 76
40 Unique Mounts
BFA + Legion Flying
Mythic+ - / 1.5k s2 score / 1.9k s3 score / 1.6k Current
Raid progression : Curved
73,000 SIMDPS
Alt Characters:
Rogue / Mage / Warrior
Price : 159.99
Feel free to PM me for contact or use discord @ michaelo#4620 for more information.