Hi I'm selling the following
120 rogue with mop cm silent assassin set
110 rogue
With cruel gladiator elite mog
119 paladin
2.3k rbg rating with cataclysmic elite gear (season 10) with elite shield for that season
Prot and ret mage tower appearences
100 druid
High rated (I believe 2.6) with primal elite pieces and lots of elite weapons for that season.
You will make a new account and will transfer the character directly over to you, so only you know the login
If you're interested in discussing prices. Message me on here or on discord
120 rogue with mop cm silent assassin set
110 rogue
With cruel gladiator elite mog
119 paladin
2.3k rbg rating with cataclysmic elite gear (season 10) with elite shield for that season
Prot and ret mage tower appearences
100 druid
High rated (I believe 2.6) with primal elite pieces and lots of elite weapons for that season.
You will make a new account and will transfer the character directly over to you, so only you know the login
If you're interested in discussing prices. Message me on here or on discord