Armory (Click to View):
451 Death Knight
451 Warlock
447 Rogue
439 Druid
429 Warrior
Heart of Azeroth: 75 (Death Knight)
Heart of Azeroth: 72 (Warlock)
Heart of Azeroth: 71 (Rogue)
Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve Rank 7 (Warlock)
Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve Rank 7 (Rogue)
Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve Rank 6 (Death Knight)
Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve Rank 5 (Druid)
Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve Rank 5 (Warrior)
Allied Races: Mag'har Orc
Allied Races: Void Elf
Allied Races: Nightborne
Allied Races: Lightforged Draenei
Allied Races: Highmountain Tauren
Notable Items & Transmog:
7/8 Tier 3 "Dreadnaught" Set (Helm, Shoulders, Chest, Legs, Hands, Belt, Boots)
Tabard of Brilliance
Tabard of the Arcane
Nightborne Heritage Armor
Mythic Funerary Plate of the Chosen Dead (UNOBTAINABLE)
Havoc Demon Hunter Mage Tower Artifact Appearance (UNOBTAINABLE)
Holy Paladin Mage Tower Artifact Appearance (UNOBTAINABLE)
Protection Paladin Mage Tower Artifact Appearance (UNOBTAINABLE)
Retribution Paladin Mage Tower Artifact Appearance (UNOBTAINABLE)
Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings
Notable Titles:
"the Chosen" (UNOBTAINABLE)
"The Honorable"
"The Prestigious"
"The Unrelenting"
"of the Four Winds"
Notable Mounts:
Felblaze Infernal (EXTREMELY RARE)
Antoran Charhound
Pureblood Fire Hawk
Primal Flamesaber (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ashenvale Chimaera
Bloodgorged Hunter
Headless Horseman's Mount
Lightforged Warframe
Leyfeather Hippogryph
Llothien Prowler
Cloudwing Hippogryph
Spirit of Eche'ro
Prestigious Ivory Courser
Prestigious Forest Courser
Drake of the North Wind
Abyss Worm
Violet Spellwing (UNOBTAINABLE)
Vitreous Stone Drake
Wonderwing 2.0
Notable Achievements:
Ahead of the Curve: Lady Jaina Proudmoore (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Argus the Unmaker (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Kil'jaeden (UNOBTAINABLE)
Cutting Edge: Gul'dan (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Xavius (UNOBTAINABLE)
Cutting Edge: Helya (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: The Black Gate (UNOBTAINABLE)