Supported TurboHUD version: 9.x
Show information about different materials.
It is a simple plugin for those who want to have this data always visible without having to open the inventory.
The size and position is configurable. Example:
plugin.Xpor = 0.052f;
plugin.Ypor = 0.001f;
plugin.SizeMultiplier = 1.35f;
Download: Materials.cs
Installation: Place Materials.cs in "plugins\RNN\Materials.cs"
Custom code (in Plugins\User\PluginEnablerOrDisablerPlugin.cs , Optional) :
Show information about different materials.
It is a simple plugin for those who want to have this data always visible without having to open the inventory.

The size and position is configurable. Example:
plugin.Xpor = 0.052f;
plugin.Ypor = 0.001f;
plugin.SizeMultiplier = 1.35f;

Download: Materials.cs
Installation: Place Materials.cs in "plugins\RNN\Materials.cs"
Custom code (in Plugins\User\PluginEnablerOrDisablerPlugin.cs , Optional) :
Hud.GetPlugin<RNN.Materials>().Enabled = true;
Hud.RunOnPlugin<RNN.Materials>(plugin =>
plugin.Xpor = 0.567f; // Valid values: from 0 to 1
plugin.Ypor = 0.986f; // Valid values: from 0 to 1
plugin.SizeMultiplier = 1f; // Size multiplier for text and icons
plugin.Separation = 0.5f; // Valid values: equal to or greater than zero . Separation between one material and the next
plugin.ColorText = true; // Different colors will be used for the text or white if ColorText = false
plugin.WarningBS = true; // Show Rectagle Red when Remaining Blood Shard < RemainingBS
plugin.RemainingBS = 250; // Limit
plugin.InventorySpace = true; // Show Free Space in the Inventory
} );