6 Months Subscription (Expires August 16th, 2020)
Main Druid Alliance:
-> Lvl 120;
-> Good Corruptions Pieces for make your build (including Infinite Stars Ring 465 Ilvl and others);
-> Feral / Resto / Boomy Druid;
-> Ilvl 465 for Boomy and Resto spec / Around 458-459 Feral;
-> 11700 Achiv Points;
-> 100 toys;
-> 49 Titles;
-> A lot Essences unlocked (For all specs);
-> Mining / Blacksmith Full on all expancs;
-> Legendarys and Reagents on bank / Tabards;
Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve Rank 11
Heart of Azeroth: Lvl 80
200 Honor Lvl (but on legion i got 25 prestige full so i already have all rewards)
-> All Vicios Saddle Mounts + 4 Saddles on bag;
-> 72 Mounts;
-> Obsidian Worldbreaker (UNOBTAINABLE);
-> Primal Flame Saber (UNOBTAINABLE);
-> Core Hound (UNOBTAINABLE);
-> Squeakers, the Trickster;
-> Zan-Tien Lasso on bag for Ivory Cloud Serpent;
-> Some long reps Mounts;
PVP Achivs/Xmogs:
-> Lieutenant Commander (2K CR RBGS)
-> 2200 2s / 2100 3s
-> Demonic Elite (2K CR Legion Session 7)
-> Dominant Elite (2K CR Legion Session 6)
-> Cruel Elite (2K CR Legion Session 3)
-> Fearless Elite (2K CR Legion Session 2)
-> Duelist Session 3 BFA (Dreadflame Weapon Ilusion)
-> Rival Session 4 BFA
Mage Tower:
Feral Mage Tower;
BFA Flying Unlocked:
Champions of Azeroth - Exalted
Tortollan Seekers - Exalted
Rustbolt Resistance - Exalted
Waveblade Ankoan - Exalted
Proudmoore Admiralty - Exalted
Order of Embers - Exalted
Storm's Wake - Exalted
7th Legion - Exalted
Rajani - Revered
Uldum Accord - Revered
Alt DK Alliance lvl 102:
Alt Druid Horde lvl 110:
Alt Mage Horde lvl 103:
Retail Gold:
4,000,000+ Gold Stormrage Alliance
MAGE Alliance lvl 60 on WoW Classic:
* Herborism / Alchemy Full on Classic;
* Herbs / Reagents on bank;
* 10g on bag;
* Rank 3 PVP;
Extra Bonus in the Account:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Awesome Hearthstone Paladin Deck Options
Discord Contact: Frezzy#5567
Main Druid Alliance:
-> Lvl 120;
-> Good Corruptions Pieces for make your build (including Infinite Stars Ring 465 Ilvl and others);
-> Feral / Resto / Boomy Druid;
-> Ilvl 465 for Boomy and Resto spec / Around 458-459 Feral;
-> 11700 Achiv Points;
-> 100 toys;
-> 49 Titles;
-> A lot Essences unlocked (For all specs);
-> Mining / Blacksmith Full on all expancs;
-> Legendarys and Reagents on bank / Tabards;
Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve Rank 11
Heart of Azeroth: Lvl 80
200 Honor Lvl (but on legion i got 25 prestige full so i already have all rewards)
-> All Vicios Saddle Mounts + 4 Saddles on bag;
-> 72 Mounts;
-> Obsidian Worldbreaker (UNOBTAINABLE);
-> Primal Flame Saber (UNOBTAINABLE);
-> Core Hound (UNOBTAINABLE);
-> Squeakers, the Trickster;
-> Zan-Tien Lasso on bag for Ivory Cloud Serpent;
-> Some long reps Mounts;
PVP Achivs/Xmogs:
-> Lieutenant Commander (2K CR RBGS)
-> 2200 2s / 2100 3s
-> Demonic Elite (2K CR Legion Session 7)
-> Dominant Elite (2K CR Legion Session 6)
-> Cruel Elite (2K CR Legion Session 3)
-> Fearless Elite (2K CR Legion Session 2)
-> Duelist Session 3 BFA (Dreadflame Weapon Ilusion)
-> Rival Session 4 BFA
Mage Tower:
Feral Mage Tower;
BFA Flying Unlocked:
Champions of Azeroth - Exalted
Tortollan Seekers - Exalted
Rustbolt Resistance - Exalted
Waveblade Ankoan - Exalted
Proudmoore Admiralty - Exalted
Order of Embers - Exalted
Storm's Wake - Exalted
7th Legion - Exalted
Rajani - Revered
Uldum Accord - Revered
Alt DK Alliance lvl 102:
Alt Druid Horde lvl 110:
Alt Mage Horde lvl 103:
Retail Gold:
4,000,000+ Gold Stormrage Alliance
MAGE Alliance lvl 60 on WoW Classic:
* Herborism / Alchemy Full on Classic;
* Herbs / Reagents on bank;
* 10g on bag;
* Rank 3 PVP;
Extra Bonus in the Account:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Awesome Hearthstone Paladin Deck Options
Discord Contact: Frezzy#5567