Private server: Firestorm (BfA) / Horde
This account includes ;14 120s (Demon hunter is 118 as you see) And
• 13 Horde
• 1(Druid) Alliance.
Legion : 7 110s Most of them geared for end content
WoD : 1 100lvl
MoP : 1 90lvl
About 255+ mounts and 40+ Pets account wide including rares and achievement earned ones. ( A lot of store bought mounts including like [Vulpine Familiar] )
There is no notable titles, 3-4 of them.
Around 5000 achievement points.
I have all professions leveled.
Most of them store bought, have all recipes from older and last expansion.
I have all mount recipes (Vial of the Sands,Steelbound Harness,Sky Golem) including BfA ones.
I have all gylph recipes
There is around 40~ toy on account.
360k Gold
There is more than 400 Firestorm Gold worth around 40 US Dollar
This account is mainly PVE.
Notable things:
Has 40+ Heirlooms (including Ring heirloom)
Mage only need 1 faction reputation for Pandaren Ambassador Achievement and Mount.
DK Has Mage Tower & Hidden Appearance for artifact , also class mount. Nearly all Legion Artifacts obtained.
Have nearly all RAF mounts (including alliance one)
I will gift more than 10 slave account for farming etc. All has BFA Mining&Herba with stars.
Some informations blurred due privacy concerns from data base search
Interested? Need more info? Send PM to me!
This account includes ;14 120s (Demon hunter is 118 as you see) And
• 13 Horde
• 1(Druid) Alliance.
Legion : 7 110s Most of them geared for end content
WoD : 1 100lvl
MoP : 1 90lvl

About 255+ mounts and 40+ Pets account wide including rares and achievement earned ones. ( A lot of store bought mounts including like [Vulpine Familiar] )
There is no notable titles, 3-4 of them.
Around 5000 achievement points.
I have all professions leveled.
Most of them store bought, have all recipes from older and last expansion.
I have all mount recipes (Vial of the Sands,Steelbound Harness,Sky Golem) including BfA ones.
I have all gylph recipes
There is around 40~ toy on account.
360k Gold
There is more than 400 Firestorm Gold worth around 40 US Dollar
This account is mainly PVE.
Notable things:
Has 40+ Heirlooms (including Ring heirloom)
Mage only need 1 faction reputation for Pandaren Ambassador Achievement and Mount.
DK Has Mage Tower & Hidden Appearance for artifact , also class mount. Nearly all Legion Artifacts obtained.
Have nearly all RAF mounts (including alliance one)
I will gift more than 10 slave account for farming etc. All has BFA Mining&Herba with stars.
Some informations blurred due privacy concerns from data base search
Interested? Need more info? Send PM to me!