Hey there, simply as title saying, selling the following account.
60 gnome Warlock EU Firemaw
100% mount
Engineering 315/Herbalism 300/First Aid 300
8 rank
Some epics items
payment method: Paypal
If you are interested or you need more information you can get write here or in my skype: polyukhin.pavel
Discord: Sati#8141
E-mail: polyukhin.pavel@gmail.com
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Head - t1,t2
Neck - [Orb of the Darkmoon]
Shoulder - t1, [Councillor's Shoulders of Shadow Wrath]
Back - [Stormpike Sage's Cloak][High Councillor's Cloak of Shadow Wrath]
Chest - t1
Wrist - t1
One-Hand - [Hypnotic Blade]
Off-hand - [Tome of Shadow Force]
Wand - [Stormrager] [Dragon Finger of Shadow Wrath]
Hands - [Knight-Lieutenant's Dreadweave Handwraps]
Waist - t1
Legs - [Shadoweave Pants]
Feet - [Knight-Lieutenant's Dreadweave Walkers]
Rings - [Lorekeeper's Ring] [Songstone of Ironforge] [Seal of the Archmagus]
Many trinkets
60 gnome Warlock EU Firemaw
100% mount
Engineering 315/Herbalism 300/First Aid 300
8 rank
Some epics items
payment method: Paypal
If you are interested or you need more information you can get write here or in my skype: polyukhin.pavel
Discord: Sati#8141
E-mail: polyukhin.pavel@gmail.com
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Head - t1,t2
Neck - [Orb of the Darkmoon]
Shoulder - t1, [Councillor's Shoulders of Shadow Wrath]
Back - [Stormpike Sage's Cloak][High Councillor's Cloak of Shadow Wrath]
Chest - t1
Wrist - t1
One-Hand - [Hypnotic Blade]
Off-hand - [Tome of Shadow Force]
Wand - [Stormrager] [Dragon Finger of Shadow Wrath]
Hands - [Knight-Lieutenant's Dreadweave Handwraps]
Waist - t1
Legs - [Shadoweave Pants]
Feet - [Knight-Lieutenant's Dreadweave Walkers]
Rings - [Lorekeeper's Ring] [Songstone of Ironforge] [Seal of the Archmagus]
Many trinkets