as I no longer play this game I have decided to put my account up for sale. This account has everything, both chars very BWL Ready. A lot of people know me on my server so we will have to transfer the characters to any server that isn't Razorgore and that way get the names changed.
Here is a brief overview of the characters.
7/8 t1 (missing helm)
1/8 t2 (helm)
Crown of Destruction
Rhok'delar & Lok'delar (7 damage scope on Rhok, 15 agi enchant on Lok)
Onyxia Tooth Pendant
Full Pre-raid Bis
100% riding + tiger
Full Enchants
4900HP in PvP gear
Tidal Charm, Arena grandmaster (super hard to get) + almost all trinkets in the game
BWL Attuned
60 Human Female Warlock
6/8 T1 (missing robes, belt)
1/8 T2 (helm)
Sorcerous Dagger (with 30sp enchant)
Choker of the Fire Lord
2x Underworld Band
Sash of whispered Secrets
AV Exalted
Almost full pre-raid bis
Almost all trinkets in the game, no tidal or Arena Grandmaster tho
100% mount
There is unfortunately very little gold as of now, I am willing to farm a bit though, if we reach a good agreement.
It goes without saying that they are both very good looking gals. I am also selling a priest which is on a separate account, human female, 100% tiger, benediction, 7/8 t1, 2/8 t2.
Asking Price: 500euro, willing to negotiate.
We can obviously use a middleman as this is a pretty heavy transaction.
If you wish to contact me, add me on skype: live:.cid.d1e93282a7fe3c2a
as I no longer play this game I have decided to put my account up for sale. This account has everything, both chars very BWL Ready. A lot of people know me on my server so we will have to transfer the characters to any server that isn't Razorgore and that way get the names changed.
Here is a brief overview of the characters.
7/8 t1 (missing helm)
1/8 t2 (helm)
Crown of Destruction
Rhok'delar & Lok'delar (7 damage scope on Rhok, 15 agi enchant on Lok)
Onyxia Tooth Pendant
Full Pre-raid Bis
100% riding + tiger
Full Enchants
4900HP in PvP gear
Tidal Charm, Arena grandmaster (super hard to get) + almost all trinkets in the game
BWL Attuned
60 Human Female Warlock
6/8 T1 (missing robes, belt)
1/8 T2 (helm)
Sorcerous Dagger (with 30sp enchant)
Choker of the Fire Lord
2x Underworld Band
Sash of whispered Secrets
AV Exalted
Almost full pre-raid bis
Almost all trinkets in the game, no tidal or Arena Grandmaster tho
100% mount
There is unfortunately very little gold as of now, I am willing to farm a bit though, if we reach a good agreement.
It goes without saying that they are both very good looking gals. I am also selling a priest which is on a separate account, human female, 100% tiger, benediction, 7/8 t1, 2/8 t2.
Asking Price: 500euro, willing to negotiate.
We can obviously use a middleman as this is a pretty heavy transaction.
If you wish to contact me, add me on skype: live:.cid.d1e93282a7fe3c2a