Felheart Horns
Felheart Shoulder Pads
Felheart Belt
Robe of the Void
Sorcerous Dagger
Tome of Shadow Force
Ring of Binding (great PVP ring)
(the rest really strong spell power focused blues)
This character destroys alliance one on one.
300 tailoring w/ many felheart and mooncloth patterns
300 enchanting w/ crusader, rare enchants, and Runed Arcanite Rod made
400 gold
Revered with Darkspear Trolls. I was going for a raptor mount, 18.7K rep away.
Great guild. MC and Ony on farm. Just started BWL.
$550 obo.
discord: Society#7044
Felheart Shoulder Pads
Felheart Belt
Robe of the Void
Sorcerous Dagger
Tome of Shadow Force
Ring of Binding (great PVP ring)
(the rest really strong spell power focused blues)
This character destroys alliance one on one.
300 tailoring w/ many felheart and mooncloth patterns
300 enchanting w/ crusader, rare enchants, and Runed Arcanite Rod made
400 gold
Revered with Darkspear Trolls. I was going for a raptor mount, 18.7K rep away.
Great guild. MC and Ony on farm. Just started BWL.
$550 obo.
discord: Society#7044