DISCORD: BERAccounts#1111
SKYPE: kyradin336
WHATSAPP: +905375928018
Feedback Profile: epicnpc.com/threads/beraccounts-unique-premium-wow-account-vendor-buy-sell.1358432/
Class: Warrior
Race: Undead (Male)
Realm: Gehennas PVP (Realm Transfer is Available)
Mount: Frostwolf Howler %100
Professions: Engineering 300 - Blacksmithing 300 - First Aid 300
PVP Rank: Rank 8 (%75)
Weapons: Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros - Frostbite - Core Hound Tooth - Drillborer Disk - Satyr's Bow
Head: Helm of Wrath (T2)
Neck: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
Shoulders: Pauldrons of Might
Back: Dragon's Blood Cape
Chest: Breastplate of Might
Wrist: Bracers of Might
Hands: Gauntlets of Might
Belt: Belt of Might
Leggings: Legplates of Wrath (T2)
Boots: Sabatons of Might
Ring 1: Band of Accuria
Ring 2: Don Julio's Band
Trinket 1: Hand of Justice
Trinket 2: Blackhand's Breadth
SKYPE: kyradin336
WHATSAPP: +905375928018
Feedback Profile: epicnpc.com/threads/beraccounts-unique-premium-wow-account-vendor-buy-sell.1358432/
Class: Warrior
Race: Undead (Male)
Realm: Gehennas PVP (Realm Transfer is Available)
Mount: Frostwolf Howler %100
Professions: Engineering 300 - Blacksmithing 300 - First Aid 300
PVP Rank: Rank 8 (%75)
Weapons: Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros - Frostbite - Core Hound Tooth - Drillborer Disk - Satyr's Bow
Head: Helm of Wrath (T2)
Neck: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
Shoulders: Pauldrons of Might
Back: Dragon's Blood Cape
Chest: Breastplate of Might
Wrist: Bracers of Might
Hands: Gauntlets of Might
Belt: Belt of Might
Leggings: Legplates of Wrath (T2)
Boots: Sabatons of Might
Ring 1: Band of Accuria
Ring 2: Don Julio's Band
Trinket 1: Hand of Justice
Trinket 2: Blackhand's Breadth