I've finally made the decision i've been thinking of for a month almost
I've lost so much valuable time on this game and finally deciding to sell my account.
I am the original owner since 2009
Have every bit of detail that you will need to change the ownership onto your name.
I can provide screenshots/share screen or w/e you want to make you feel comfortable dealing with me.
Screenshot by Lightshot
60 Orc Male Rogue
Basically BiS, missing two pieces.
Helm - Bloodfang helm
Neck - Onyxia neck
Shoulders - Nightslayer
Back - Cape of black baron
Chest - Nightslayer chest
Bracers - Nightslayer Bracers
Gloves - Aged core leather gloves (dagger gloves)
Belt - Nightslayer belt
Legs - Nightslayer (Can get t2 since im first prio in guild but depends on drop)
Boots - Nightslayer
Ring 1 - Quickstrike Ring
Ring 2 - Painweaver band (Have x2 tarnished)
Trinket 1 - Hand of justice (Have pvp trinks and insigna)
Trinket 2 - Blackhands breadth (Have all engineering reflectors frost,shadow,fire)
Weapon 1 - Perdition blade
Weapon 2 - Core hound tooth (Had dual rends in bank)
Range - Satyr bow (have agil gun too)
300 Engineering
300 Mining
1000 Gold
Epic mount
30+ greater fire prot
50+ Thistle tea
20+ Mongoose
5+ Flask of titan (for bwl prog)
47 Orc female warrior
33 Undead female mage
Taking offers currently.
I've finally made the decision i've been thinking of for a month almost
I've lost so much valuable time on this game and finally deciding to sell my account.
I am the original owner since 2009
Have every bit of detail that you will need to change the ownership onto your name.
I can provide screenshots/share screen or w/e you want to make you feel comfortable dealing with me.
Screenshot by Lightshot
60 Orc Male Rogue
Basically BiS, missing two pieces.
Helm - Bloodfang helm
Neck - Onyxia neck
Shoulders - Nightslayer
Back - Cape of black baron
Chest - Nightslayer chest
Bracers - Nightslayer Bracers
Gloves - Aged core leather gloves (dagger gloves)
Belt - Nightslayer belt
Legs - Nightslayer (Can get t2 since im first prio in guild but depends on drop)
Boots - Nightslayer
Ring 1 - Quickstrike Ring
Ring 2 - Painweaver band (Have x2 tarnished)
Trinket 1 - Hand of justice (Have pvp trinks and insigna)
Trinket 2 - Blackhands breadth (Have all engineering reflectors frost,shadow,fire)
Weapon 1 - Perdition blade
Weapon 2 - Core hound tooth (Had dual rends in bank)
Range - Satyr bow (have agil gun too)
300 Engineering
300 Mining
1000 Gold
Epic mount
30+ greater fire prot
50+ Thistle tea
20+ Mongoose
5+ Flask of titan (for bwl prog)
47 Orc female warrior
33 Undead female mage
Taking offers currently.