Why Choose Us?
OGEdge is a US Based company providing gaming services on many sites since 2006.
Our 10,000+ feedback shows we are committed to providing a complete gaming experience.
Power leveling services are tracked via our online support system which also emails you.

Skype Contact: OGEdge.com
01-40 (Level 4 Traders) / $205 / 14.00 Days
01-30 (Level 3 Traders) / $115 / 7.00 Days
01-20 (Level 2 Traders) / $55 / 1.00 Days
01-10 (Level 1 Traders) / $20 / 0.50 Days
01-05 / $10 / 0.25 Days
05-10 / $10 / 0.25 Days
10-15 / $15 / 0.25 Days
15-20 / $20 / 0.25 Days
20-25 / $25 / 3.00 Days
25-30 / $35 / 3.00 Days
30-35 / $40 / 3.00 Days
35-40 / $2 / 4.00 Days
Strength Skill to 51 / $102 / 3.00 Days / Required: 2M Roubles
Health Skill to 51 / $102 / 3.00 Days / Required: 2M Roubles
Recoil Control Skill to 51 / $102 / 3.00 Days / Required: 2M Roubles
Stress Resistance Skill to 51 / $150 / 5.00 Days / Required: 2M Roubles
Gunsmith Quests 1-16 / $42 / 24.00 Hours / Required: 2M Roubles
Gunsmith Quest x1 / $3 / 3.00 Hours / Required: ~300k Roubles
10 000 000 Roubles / $25 / 1.00 Hours
1 000 000 Roubles / $3 / 1.00 Hours
10 000 USD / $3 / 1.00 Hours
10 000 EUR / $3 / 1.00 Hours
Small SICC Case / $9 / 1.00 Hours
THICC Item Case / $40 / 1.00 Hours
THICC Weapon / $15 / 1.00 Hours
Weapon Case / $5 / 1.00 Hours
Item Case / $6 / 1.00 Hours
Lucky Scav Junkbox / $5 / 1.00 Hours
Keytool / $3 / 1.00 Hours
Mr. Holodilnick thermobag / $3 / 1.00 Hours
Money Case / $2 / 1.00 Hours
DogTag Case / $3 / 1.00 Hours
Meds Case / $2 / 1.00 Hours
Documents Case / $2 / 1.00 Hours
Special Cases + Keys
Small SICC Case + All Lab Keys (10) / $103 / 1.00 Hours
Small SICC Case + Shoreline Most Used Keys / $17 / 1.00 Hours
Small SICC Case + Reserve Most Used Keys / $26 / 1.00 Hours
Small SICC Case + ALL Reserve Keys / $40 / 1.00 Hours
Small SICC Case + Interchange Most Used Keys / $15 / 1.00 Hours
Small SICC Case + Customs Most Used Keys / $11 / 1.00 Hours
Keytool + Shoreline Most Used Keys / $11 / 1.00 Hours
Keytool + Reserve Most Used Keys / $20 / 1.00 Hours
Keytool + Interchange Most Used Keys / $10 / 1.00 Hours
Keytool + Customs Most Used Keys / $6 / 1.00 Hours
LEDX 1x / $4 / 1.00 Hours
Lab. Red Keycard 1x / $60 / 1.00 Hours
Lab. Violet Keycard 1x / $16 / 1.00 Hours
Lab. Blue Keycard 1x / $14 / 1.00 Hours
Lab. Green Keycard 1x / $5 / 1.00 Hours
Lab. Black Keycard 1x / $3 / 1.00 Hours
Lab. Yellow Keycard + Arsenal Storage / $3 / 1.00 Hours
Lab. Acces Card 1x / $2 / 1.00 Hours
Graphics Card 1x / $3 / 1.00 Hours
Graphics Card 10x / $28 / 1.00 Hours
Red Rebel Ice pick 1x / $13 / 1.00 Hours
Tactical Sword 1x / $5 / 1.00 Hours
Epsilon Container / $1,300 / 60.00 Days
Kappa Container / $4,000 / 150.00 Days
Skype Contact: OGEdge.com