hey there everyone i have another one of my accounts that i wish to sell. I am the original owner of the account and will supply all info to who ever wishes to trade. Below are just some of the games that are on my origins account.
BF4 also comes with premium access, china rising, second assault, naval assault and dragons teeth (est$90)
BF3 (24.99)
sim city (49.99)
mass effect 3 (24.99)
star wars old republic (17.99)
dead space (9.99)
wingcommander (5.99)
dragonage origins (24.99)
Also comes with a free lifetime access key to honor buddy (WoW bot)
Looking for atleast min of $20 (paypal only)
BF4 also comes with premium access, china rising, second assault, naval assault and dragons teeth (est$90)
BF3 (24.99)
sim city (49.99)
mass effect 3 (24.99)
star wars old republic (17.99)
dead space (9.99)
wingcommander (5.99)
dragonage origins (24.99)
Also comes with a free lifetime access key to honor buddy (WoW bot)
Looking for atleast min of $20 (paypal only)