1-60 in 5-6 days
Boku's Nostalrius Gold Guide --- THIS Guide works for ANY Private Server!
How to make money IRL on Nostt or ANY private Vanilla server / Leveling (5-6 days 1-60) /
Farming Locations, Auction House 101 Profit / EPIC Mount in 4-5 Hours / Dire Maul V2.0 as a Mage / Vanilla Bottler
Profiles (custom) / Custom Program which shows you Exactly where to farm for what ver you need when leveling
I have been playing wow for Years, and i have sold 100's of Guides. ( will link feedback from thoes guides
and i have a very good reputation on various forums.
Are you Tire of trying tto figur out a way to make gold / money IRL? This guide is NOW officially up on th market, over 150 Man Hours
was put into making this guide.
I personally make about 2,000$ a month usig tthis guide. which is not bad for just playing a gam and th Goal is for you to do he same.
Get your EpicMount in 4-5 Hours. Guide includes over 50 Grinding spots all oof which ar 50-100g/hr.
Have sold this to 18 people so far, so add me asap! Only selling to 8 mor pople. gt this now. Every client has been extremely satisfied with his guide,
Add me on SKYPE for the Price. Ive sold this to 18 people so far, only selling to 25.. Get it now before its to lat. Everyone who bought this has been making more gold then thy could imagine
Ive had clients get level 60 in a few days (If you bought Power leveling, thats 300 euro.. if you bought a level 60 char, thats 300-350 euro depending... Save money, and make that money back. This is a GOLDEN guide, i myself make more gold and money that i could ever imagine of making.
Guide includes:
Countless Farming Guides, the Best of the best - where and how included, 24/7 support
How to make money IRL 101.
Selling Gold 101.
1-60 in a few days grinding. + some questingg involved.
Vanilla Botter profiles ( private - Optional )
Custom program which shows you exactly where to farm, and what rout to take.
If you are Really looking to make gold, PM me. This is an amazing guide with spots and a way to make a TON of Gold that most of the public doesn't know about.Any of th18 People who have bought this can ll you its well worth the money.
Services i Offere * off topic *
Account Selling
Middleman Service's (10$)
Guides - Making money IRL playing Nostalrius, or any other Private Server.
Leveling your toon from 1-60
Dungeon Runs,
Custom Vanilla BotterProtile / Hacks
Custom VPN Service's if you are into Multi boxing.
EPIC Mount in 4-5 Hours, - You cannot beat this. All of my 18 customers are making more gold than they could ever imagine. Comments coming soon.
All of my customers receive 24//7 Support, and when i come up with any neew guides which are absolutely insane you will be the first tto hear about it,
================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ==============
Nostalrius / Any 1.12.1 Private Server Gold Cheat / Method ( Not Bannable) - 1-4k a DAY
Has been very popular, only been selling a few days - Add me to SKYPE for Price. Start selling gold and making IRL money.
100% Safe. Guarenteed.
Vanilla Botter:
I have over 300 profiles for Vanilla Botter which can be used for leveling ( paid version Some of which can be used with the FREE version of VB All included in the guide. Can guarantee my profiles will get you to 60 in the fastest time possible.
Other Forums which has this post - Check them out.
MaxCheaters ( wont let m link thm. )
Take advantage of this guid, Only selling to a few more

Skype= Froztmage i( if link goesnt wwork)