Selling EU WoW Gold on the following Servers & Factions:
Draenor H
Ragnaros H
Silvermoon H
Burning Legion H
Tarren Mill/Dentarg H
Frostwhisper/Bladefist/Zenedar H
Magtheridon H
Outland A
Sylvanas A
Kazzak H
Kilrogg/Nagrand/Runetotem A
Price: 0.20€-0.30€/1k gold (high populated realm = cheaper)
Payment via: Paypal
Trade method: Face to face / Auction house
Account security is very important for both the buyers and sellers, therefore:
☑ Gold will always be traded by mythic raiders with 18k+ achievement points.
☑ When dealing with a 3rd party buyer/seller screenshots will be provided.
☒ I'm not trading to level 1 characters or accounts with 0 achiev. points.
Skype ID:
Draenor H
Ragnaros H
Silvermoon H
Burning Legion H
Tarren Mill/Dentarg H
Frostwhisper/Bladefist/Zenedar H
Magtheridon H
Outland A
Sylvanas A
Kazzak H
Kilrogg/Nagrand/Runetotem A
Price: 0.20€-0.30€/1k gold (high populated realm = cheaper)
Payment via: Paypal
Trade method: Face to face / Auction house
Account security is very important for both the buyers and sellers, therefore:
☑ Gold will always be traded by mythic raiders with 18k+ achievement points.
☑ When dealing with a 3rd party buyer/seller screenshots will be provided.
☒ I'm not trading to level 1 characters or accounts with 0 achiev. points.
Skype ID: