Skype is 'molzakhey'
Price is 60 or £43
Legendary list
deathwing,ysera,majordomo,executus,sneed's old shredder,ragnaros the firelord,kel'thulzad,slyvanas windrunner,the beast,toshley,baron geddon,chillmaw,dr.boom,rend blackhand, foe reaper 4000,leeory jenkins,loatheb,nexus champion saraad,stalagg,emporer thaurissan,illidan stormrage,maxenna, mogor the ogre, bloodmage thalnos, lorewalker cho, nat pagle, tinkmaster overspark, baron rivendare, old murk eye, blingtron 3000, feugen, iron juggernaut, grommash hellscream, varian wrynn,al akir the windlord, lord jarraxus, mal'ganis,
tirion fordring, gahz'rilla,flame levthian, malorne, cenarius, vol'jin
Levels / Mage - 60 / Shaman - 60 / Druid - 48 / Paladin 60 / Warlock - 60 / Hunter - 60 / Warrior - 46 / Rogue - 50 / Priest - 60 /
Total wins 2944
Total level 504
1,7k disenchanting dust (Enough for legendary)
145 gold
20 Cardbacks
Price is 60 or £43
Legendary list
deathwing,ysera,majordomo,executus,sneed's old shredder,ragnaros the firelord,kel'thulzad,slyvanas windrunner,the beast,toshley,baron geddon,chillmaw,dr.boom,rend blackhand, foe reaper 4000,leeory jenkins,loatheb,nexus champion saraad,stalagg,emporer thaurissan,illidan stormrage,maxenna, mogor the ogre, bloodmage thalnos, lorewalker cho, nat pagle, tinkmaster overspark, baron rivendare, old murk eye, blingtron 3000, feugen, iron juggernaut, grommash hellscream, varian wrynn,al akir the windlord, lord jarraxus, mal'ganis,
tirion fordring, gahz'rilla,flame levthian, malorne, cenarius, vol'jin
Levels / Mage - 60 / Shaman - 60 / Druid - 48 / Paladin 60 / Warlock - 60 / Hunter - 60 / Warrior - 46 / Rogue - 50 / Priest - 60 /
Total wins 2944
Total level 504
1,7k disenchanting dust (Enough for legendary)
145 gold
20 Cardbacks