5 x Rank 1 | 7 x Gladiator PRIEST = 69 FoS = Rank 1 and Gladiator Alts =1499 Eur

5 x Rank 1 | 7 Times Gladiator PRIEST = 69 Feats of Strength = Rank 1 and Gladiator Alts = Special mounts : Spectral Tiger, Magic rooster, Challenger Yeti, Sunhide Gronnling , Ghastly Charger , Riding Turtle, White riding Camel, Whooly White Rhino , X51 Nether Rocket Xtreme, Onyxian Drake = Some Alt Priests Multi Glads = Flying in Draenor = 1499 Eur
Gear: Mvpsupreme @ Sylvanas - Community - World of Warcraft
660 Hunter PVP - Cute @ Sylvanas - Community - World of Warcraft
637 Monk - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/sylvanas/Tekkèn/advanced
Rank 1 Furious DK http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/sylvanas/Sùpreme/advanced
660 Paladin - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/sylvanas/Supréme/advanced
88 Priest 3x Glad - Mvpsupreme @ Kor'gall - Community - World of Warcraft
90 Priest - Racòón @ Kor'gall - Community - World of Warcraft
90 Warlock - Supremè @ Sylvanas - Community - World of Warcraft
Mounts - Community - World of Warcraft
Merciless Gladiator
Brutal Gladiator
Deadly Gladiator
Furious Gladiator
Relentless Gladiator
Vicious Gladiator
Tyrannical Gladiator
Grievous Gladiator
Prideful Gladiator
Engineering / Mining 700
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Price: 1499 Eur = 1703 USD = 1102 GBP
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PRICE: 1499 EUR = 1703 USD = 1102 GBP