Last update : 27/09/2015 | 10h15
1. Presentation

Last update : 27/09/2015 | 10h15
1. Presentation
- I'm selling accounts alongside of my boosting/coaching activities since one year and one month, i used to find my buyers from my skype customer list and a french forum (and my own online shop) ; but my stocks are rising gradually, so im opening this thread.
- I'm aware that even if i already sold few accounts here im a newcomer to this community, some of you may be afraid of being scammed but my reputation will be built over time!
2. Services characteristics
- There is no botted account, all this accounts have been played regularly and are safe.
- All this accounts are not played since a long time, can be verify to your email, and didnt bought any RP since at least 1 year (security against recovering process).
- Im offering a 6 month warranty, if the original owner recover the account you get a total refund !
- Prices can change over time but even if it look a bit expansive to you i fixed my prices according to my year of seller experience and it would be a waste of time to add me for offering way lower than the price displayed there (i'm not in a hurry, this accounts are super safe and im confident for selling them).
- I can give you more infos, do sharescreen session or answer to any question you may have on skype, but please save our time by not trying to scam me, every method had been tried already.[/JUSTIFY]
2. Terms of use
- Payment method : Only paypal
(for high price accounts i can ask for more infos about you and your paypal account to prevent scam, we can do an online contract aswel if needed) - Im not against using ebay, but the fees are on you.
(anyway its not really usefull because ebay protection for virtual good is almost the same as paypal) - You pay first, then the account is delivered.
(24h is the maximum delay if you buy on my website while im sleeping). - Im open to use a middleman, especially for bigger accounts, but the fees are on you.
4. Account lists
- Here you can find the list of the accounts i want to sell in priority, keep in mind that this list isnt the totallity of my accounts stock, but just the ones i really want to sell in priority and are worth the time to put on the website/forum.
- If you doesnt find what you are seeking, ask me on skype, especially if you are seeking a cheapest account, we have multiples safe but cheap account (UNDER 10 euros !)
LeveL Ranking Champs skins special IP RP Runespages Prix Online shop & infos
2 unranked 1 1 UFO corki 578 0 3 12 euros more infos
30 silver 23 2 4500 140 2 20euros more infos
30 unranked 42 4 4000 175 3 35 euros more infos
30 unranked 39 11 2500 10 4 40 euros more infos
30 unranked 40 12 5900 200 2 40 euros more infos
30 gold 74 6 2250 95 2 75 euros more infos
30 platinum 63 16 6000 100 10 90 euros more infos
30 unranked 93 26 2500 200 6 105 euros more infos
30 unranked 93 75 8050 120 7 140 euros more infos
30 silver 126 215 CS riven, K9 nasus 8000 70 14 375 euros more infos
30 diamond 126 461 101000 2200 20 650 euros more infos
LeveL Ranking Champs skins special IP RP Runespages Prix Online shop & infos
1 unranked 1 1 UFO corki 578 0 3 10 euros more infos
30 unranked 31 3 6800 60 2 20euros more infos
30 unranked 39 1 1800 80 2 21euros more infos
30 unranked 35 5 4300 20 2 22euros more infos
30 unranked 45 5 2300 260 2 25euros more infos
30 unranked 36 16 2600 1000 2 27euros more infos
30 unranked 30 3 UFO corki 3000 100 3 35euros more infos
30 unranked 57 24 1600 800 3 40 euros more infos
LeveL Ranking Champs skins special IP RP Runespages Prix Online shop & infos
30 unranked 58 8 100 200 3 40 euros more infos
30 unranked 29 9 KING RAMMUS 29000 250 4 65 euros more infos
LeveL Ranking Champs skins special IP RP Runespages Prix Online shop & infos
30 unranked 28 3 900 50 2 14 euros
30 unranked 27 3 1800 100 2 15 euros
30 unranked 32 2 2500 150 2 16 euros
30 unranked 32 2 2500 150 2 16 euros
30 unranked 42 0 2000 60 2 16 euros
30 unranked 43 1 1000 70 2 17 euros
LeveL Ranking Champs skins special IP RP Runespages Prix Online shop & infos
30 unranked 40 5 2900 30 3 15 euros
LeveL Ranking Champs skins special IP RP Runespages Prix Online shop & infos
30 unranked 50 12 1200 65 2 20 euros
30 unranked 45 15 3000 100 4 25 euros
30 unranked 58 4 9000 1500 11 40 euros
5. Contact
Best and fastest way is skype: poro-services
(Thats my only skype, anything else wont be me)
You can contact me on this mail too : Contact@poro-services.com

Sorry for my approximate english, basically patterned on French.